Genealogy for
John Bevis
About John Bevis |
John Bevis 10/4/1820 - 8/25/1824
| John Bevis was born on October 4, 1820 in an unknown place and died on August 25, 1824 in an unknown place. He lived to be 3 years old.
| Census | 10/25/1850 | District 41 GA (Heard County) | 26 yrs after death | Recorded as family #469: William L. Bevis (age 35, born in Virginia), Jane (age 30, born in South Carolina), John (age 21), Jances L (male, age 18), Susanah (age 15), Nancy (age 14), Thomas (age 12), Punkny (male, age 10), Martin L. (male, age 7), Andrew J. (age 4). William estimates the value of his property at $700. He is a farmer, John is a mechanic and Jances is a farmer. Place of birth is not recorded for the children. |
No historical events are available during the life of John Bevis. | |
The Children of John Bevis
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