Genealogy for
Bryant M. Bailey
About Bryant M. Bailey |
 Bryant M. Bailey 10/25/1876 - 1/1/1915 (Shown at age 37)
| Bryant M. Bailey was born on October 25, 1876 in Pippins Mills, Calhoun Co., Florida and died on January 1, 1915 in Calhoun County, Florida. He lived to be 38 years old.
 | Census | 6/1/1900 | Board Head FL (Calhoun County) | 23 yrs old | #704 - Gadi Bailey (age56 - Dec.1843),
Bertha E. Bailey (56 -April 1844),
Bryant M. Bailey (23 - Oct. 1876),
Ira W. Bailey (18- Nov.1881),
Elizabeth Bailey (17- Jan.1883),
Benjamin W. Bailey (15-Nov. 1884) &
John M. Bailey (11-Dec. 1888). Gadi and Bertha have been married 33 years, they have 10 children, all are living. Gadi was born in SC, as were his parents. Bertha was born in GA, as were her parents. Gadi is a farmer, Bryant and Ira are farm laborers.
next door -#705(daughter & family) Edward Hires(31 -May 1869), Elizabeth (20-Oct. 1879), Gadi E. (3 - Nov. 1896), Rassi (1 -Dec. 1897) & Martha (5mo. - Dec. 1899). Edward is a farm laborer, he was born in GA, as were his parents.
Additional information about Calhoun County, FL around 1900: The first automobile, nick-named Chicken Killer, arrives in Blountstown in 1905. The photo on the right shows The Chicken Killer. Click the photo for a larger view. Click here to see a map from this timeperiod. | 
 | Land Deed | 8/17/1903 | FL (Calhoun County) | 26 yrs old | Bryant M. Bailey - Doc.# 16781, Township 1-N, Range 9-W, Sec. 22, Merdian-Tallahassee, FL. |

- About
- Florida News
- Discoveries
- News Headlines
- U.S. Events
- World Events
Click on any of the News, Events, or Discoveries buttons above to see historical things that happened during
Bryant Bailey's life. These are only some of the major events that affected the life and times of
Bryant, his family, and friends. For example, Bryant is 33 years old when The National Association for Advancement of Colored People is formed (NAACP)
Age | Date | Event |
6 |
1882 |
The Florida Central and Western Railroad Company was created. It combines the Florida Central, Jacksonville, Pensacola, and Mobile railroads. |
7 |
1883 |
Three railroad companies are merged to form the Florida Transit and Penisular Railroad Company. Thee are: Florida Transit Railroad Co., Peninsular Railroad Co, and the Tropical Florida Railroad Co. |
8 |
1884 |
Most railroads in Florida are passed into the hands of a single company owned and operated by a single management, under the name of The Florida Railway and Navigation Company. It has more that 500 miles of main track in operation and about 300 miles of track under construction. The longest route was the "Western Division" which ran from Tallahassee to Jacksonville - 209 miles. |
30 |
1906 |
An attempt to drain the Everglades and convert it to farmland begins. |
Age | Date | Event |
1 |
1877 |
Edison invents the phonograph permitting music and voices to be recorded and replayed. |
3 |
1879 |
Edison invents the electric light bulb. |
13 |
1889 |
The first calculating machine is invented and uses punch cards |
19 |
1895 |
Wireless telegraph and the "antenna" are invented but it covers a very short distance. |
21 |
1897 |
First ship to shore message is sent using an improved form of wireless telegraph |
24 |
1900 |
The cause of yellow fever is discovered. It is proven that the fever is spread by mosquitoes. This rallies an effort to provide better mosquito control. |
24 |
1900 |
Freud publishes his book "The Interpretation of Dreams" |
25 |
1901 |
First transatlantic wireless telegraph is sent. |
26 |
1902 |
The first Tyrannosaurus Rex fossil is discovered. |
27 |
1903 |
Wright Brothers complete the first successful flight with an airplane at Kitty Hawk |
28 |
1904 |
The first vacuum tube diode is invented by Fleming |
30 |
1906 |
Kellogg sells the first box of Corn Flakes |
30 |
1906 |
Electrons are discovered by Thomson |
30 |
1906 |
The triode vacuum tube is invented |
36 |
1912 |
The unsinkable Titanic sinks on its first trip to New York drowning 1,513 people. |
37 |
1913 |
Ford builds the first assembly line into his automobile production plant |
38 |
1914 |
The first traffic lights (which is only red or green) are put up in America; Construction of the Panama Canal is completed |
Age | Date | Event |
6 |
1882 |
NEWS HEADLINES: Edison creates the first large power station in New York City, making it the first place in America to have electricity. |
9 |
1885 |
NEWS HEADLINES: Eastman invents the box camera. For the first time photography becomes affordable for the average citizen. |
32 |
1908 |
NEWS HEADLINES: Henry Ford produces the first Model T automobile |
36 |
1912 |
White residents of Forsyth County, GA, drive the black population out. |
37 |
1913 |
NEWS HEADLINES: Edison invents motion pictures |
Age | Date | Event |
33 |
1909 |
The National Association for Advancement of Colored People is formed (NAACP) |
34 |
1910 |
Boy Scout and Girl Scout Organizations are introduced in America and the concept of a "week end" meaning time off from regular work begins to take root. The British Empire covers 1/5th of the world land area. |
Age | Date | Event |
33 |
1909 |
The "Piltdown Man" hoax -- a fake archeological discovery announced by dishonest scientists who wanted to "prove" that human beings had evolved in Europe |
38 |
1914 |
World War I - Following the crisis touched off by the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria in Sarajevo, Germany declared war on Russia and additional countries joined the war within several days. |
 Bryant Bailey
 Bryant Bailey
 Bryant Bailey |
The Children of Bryant M. Bailey
Please note that information about living children will not be displayed to the public. To see information about living children, you will need to logon on. If you do not have an account and you are a a member of this family, please contact us and request a logon. |