Genealogy for
Catherine' Kiddy' Ann Coward / Cowan
About Catherine' Kiddy' Ann Coward / Cowan |
 Catherine' Kiddy' Ann Coward / Cowan 1814 - 1861
| Catherine' Kiddy' Ann Coward / Cowan was born about 1814 in Marion Co., South Carolina and died about 1861 in Fountain, Florida. Dates for birth and death are estimated. She lived to be about 47 years old.
Parents: Wilson and Sarah Manning Coward.
The actual date of Catherine's death has come under question. It has been said that she died in childbirth, possibly giving birth to Catherine Elizabeth (born about 1852 and listed as 8 years old on the 1860 census). However her gravestone says she died the year before. To add to the confusion, the Jackson County mortality report says Catherine Baily died May 1860 (a few months before the 1860 census). A month before, 3 yr old Martha J. Bailey died of the croup. It is not known if this is her daugther. | 
 | Census | 1/1/1840 | Rocky Point NC (New Hanover County) | 26 yrs old | The family of Catherine Cowan is recorded as one male under 5 years old, one male between 5-10 years old, one female under 5 years old, 2 females between 5-10, 2 females between 15-20, and one female between 30-40 years old.
Ann J. Cowan, a female between 30-40 years old, is living in the house next door. |
 | Census | 1/1/1840 | SC (Marion County) | 26 yrs old | Willson Coward : one male 5-10,one male 50-60,one female 15-20 and one female 50-60. |
 | Census | 10/2/1850 | SC (Marion County) | 36 yrs old | Recorded as family #1003: Jesse Bailey (age 34), Catherine (age 32), Alfred (16), Bryant (14), Jesse (12), Elizabeth (11), John (9), Samuel (7), Gadi (6), Preston (one month). Jesse is a farmer and estimates the value of his property to be $700. The three oldest children have been attending school. All were born in Marion County, SC. Catherine cannot read or write and it is noted on the census that she is either "deaf and dumb, blind, insane, idiotie, pauper, or convict". |
 | Graveyard/Tombstone | 1/1/1851 | Fountain FL (Bay County) | 37 yrs old | Sandy Mount Cemetery: Cathryn Bailey, born 1814 and died 1851. Her tombstone says "wife of Jesse W. Bailey, Sr."  |
 | Other | 3/28/1853 | SC (Marion County) | 39 yrs old | WILL OF
In the name of God Amen
I Wilson Coward of the State of South Carolina, Marion Dis-
trict, being admoneshed form the infirmity of my body, that my temperal ex-
istance must soon close, and being disposed to make a distribution of my
earthly estate among my heirs, do , on this the twenty eight day March, make
Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and fifty three, make, constitute,
and ordain this my last will and Testament, in manner and form following, vis,
First my will is, that all my just debts and funeral expences,
be paid out of such personal estate as I may die pofsefsed of,
Next, I give and bequeath to my wife Sarah, of my real estate a trust
of land where I now live of one hundred fifty acres bought of Wm, Manners.,
another adjoining Containing two hundred acres bought of Wm Hamilton, and also
another of Sixty acres, bought of John Maning, and one other of about eighty
acres, bought of Malcom Stafford, lying on and in Maple Swamp, all the above
named tracts of land, I give to my wife Sarah, except one hundred acres here
in after given to my daughter Martha Jones, during the natural life of said
wife. Sarah. and/at her death I give the said lands to my son Hansel Coward and to his
lawful heirs born of/his body but if he shall die without any such heirs then the
land herein given to him shall return to my heirs I also bequeath to my wife
Sarah All my personal estate of every sort, and Kind, negroes, Stock, plan-
tation tools, household furniture, monies and credits, and provisions during
her natural life, and at her death to be subject to the disposion herein
after made, but all the other property negroes and lands excepted, to her at
her absolute disposal, I give To my son Joel Coward all the ballance of my
lands except one hundred acres herein after given to Martha Jones, and fifty
acres herein after given to Ervin Coward, I also give to my son Joel my negro
man Damon, my negroe boy Ned, and negroe boy Daniel, at the death of my wife
Sarah, but he Shall pay to Kiddy Baily or her hiers, one hundred a fifty which
I give to my daughter Kiddy Baily, I also give and bequeath to son Joel
half the interests profits and emoluments of my mill, the other half I give to
my son Hansel, I give and bequeath also, to my son Hansel the lands land
given to his mother at her death I also give him at the death of my wife/my negroe, PAGE 2
woman Alse and negroe boy Sam to him and to the lawful born of his body
but if he should die without and such heirs then the land and negroes here-
in given, to return to my heirs, To my daughter Sarah Lane I give and be-
queath my negroe girl Mary and also that tract of land of one hundred and
thirty five acres on the side of Little Peedee bought of Isaac Hyott for
her to have the use and benifit of the said negroe and land yet that she nor
her husband during her natural life yet that she nor her husband can not
sell nor here the said negroe nor sell nor rent the said land nor shall uther
the said land or negroe be subject to execution or to be taken for any debt
which she or her husband may contract and at her/death I give the land and negroe
herein named for the use and benefet of my said daughter to her heirs, her
children, lawfully born of her body the negroe herein to remain with my wife
till death as before stated To my daughter Penny I give and bequeath at the
death of my wife my negroe girl alary and negroe woman Jenny To my daughter
Martha Jones I give and bequeath the use and benefit of one hundred acres of
land where she live from Malcom Clarks land on the north of the plantation to
a certain crofs fense to Which Mrs. Manning's field extended and on Westwardly
to include one hundred acres with all priviledge of timber outlet and range
during her hernatural life and. at her death to go to my son Hansel Coward To
my Grand sons John Lee and Richard Lee I give at the death of my wife my ne-
groe boy Henry to be equally divided between them
I give and bequeath to Ervin Coward son of my daughter Frances fifty
acres of/land along Whitten Hamilton's and Isaac Stackhouses land including the
place where Robt Taylor live
And lastly I constitute and ordain my son Joel Coward my executor to
this my last will and Testament
In testamony where of I have here unto set my hand on the day and in the year
first above written to this for my last will revoking all others
Signed in presence of Wilson X Coward
Malcom Stafford
Thomas Bridges
James H. Stafford
Recorded in Will Book 2, Page 147
Recorded Septr. 5, 1853
Roll No. 983
 | Other | 5/1/1860 | FL (Jackson Co. County) | 46 yrs old | A Catherine Baily, a 50 year old woman, is listed on the Jackson County Mortality List (MRT197_11747). It says Catherine was born in South Carolina and died in May. Also listed a 3 year old Martha J. Baily. Martha died from Croup in February. She is possibly Catherine's daughter.  |
 | Other | 6/10/1860 | SC (Marion County) | 46 yrs old | # 307
Samuel T. Page, adm. vs Penelope Coward on June 10, 1860
Joel Coward died intestate April or May 1860.
Left following survivors:
Ansel Coward,
Penelope Coward,
Sarah Ann Lane,
Martha Jones,
Kiddy Ann Bailey,
children of deceased sister Frances,
and Sarah Ann Lee.
* From "Marion County South Carolina Extracts from Equity Rolls", Lucille Utley. Three Rivers Historical Society.;

- About
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Click on any of the News, Events, or Discoveries buttons above to see historical things that happened during
Catherine' Kiddy' Coward / Cowan's life. These are only some of the major events that affected the life and times of
Catherine' Kiddy', her family, and friends. For example, Catherine' Kiddy' is 6 years old when The Act of April 24, 1820 abolished the land purchase credit system, fixed the price of public lands at $1.25 per acre, and set the minimum purchase at 80 acres. After a person purchased land, a final certificate was issued by the land office and sent to Washington DC to be verified and signed by the President -- a time consuming process. Public lands were most typically available through US treaties with Indians who agreed to be removed from their homelands.
Age | Date | Event |
4 |
1818 |
First Seminole Indian War takes place when Andrew Jackson brings his troops into northern Florida. |
7 |
1821 |
Spain formally cedes Florida to the United States in 1821, according to terms of the Adams-Onís Treaty. Spanish colonists as well as settlers from the newly formed United States begin to pour into the new territory. Prior to this change, Florida was a wilderness sparsely dotted with settlements of native Indians, escaped/freed slaves and Spaniards. |
8 |
1822 |
Florida Territory is purchased |
9 |
1823 |
The Treaty of Moultrie Creek pushes the Seminole Indian towns into the interior of the Florida peninsula. |
10 |
1824 |
Tallahassee is established at the capital of Florida because it is half-way between the two government centers in St. Augustine and Pensacola. The Legislative Council meets in November in a log house erected in the vicinity of today's capitol. |
21 |
1835 |
The Second Seminole Indian War keeps the United States and Seminoles Indians fighting in North & Central Florida. |
23 |
1837 |
NEWS HEADLINES: In October, Chief Osceola of the Seminole Indians is captured when he arrives for supposed truce negotiations at Fort Payton. He is imprisoned at St. Augustine, FL where he refuses to eat and attempts to escape several times. In December he is moved to a prison in SC where he dies on January 20, 1838. At the time of his death, Osceola was the most famous American Indian. |
28 |
1842 |
Congress passes the Armed Occupation Act of 1842. It entitles persons willing and able to bear arms against the Indians and establish themselves in villages along the borders of Indian territory ownership of their land after 5 years. |
28 |
1842 |
Second Seminole Indian War ends and some of the Seminole Indians living in FL are moved to the Indian Territory |
31 |
1845 |
Florida becomes the 27th state to join the United States. William Moseley becomes the first governor and David Yulee the first senator. |
36 |
1850 |
Florida's total population has grown to 87,445. This includes about 39,000 slaves and 1,000 free blacks. Indians were not counted. |
41 |
1855 |
Third Seminole Indian War begins and war breaks out with most of the battles occurring in Central Florida. It ends three years later when Chief Billy Bowlegs and his band are forced to move from Florida. |
47 |
1861 |
No Floridian's voted for Lincoln during the 1860 election. On Jan. 10, 1861, Florida seceded from the U.S. and joined the Confederate States of America a few weeks later. |
Age | Date | Event |
16 |
1830 |
The first railroad is constructed between Liverpool and Manchester, England |
25 |
1839 |
Goodyear invents vulcanized rubber, opening the door for tires and other rubber products. |
30 |
1844 |
The first telegraph message is sent by Morse, who later invents the Mores Code |
39 |
1853 |
The process of creating steel is invented by Besermer in Britain and Kelly in the U.S. |
42 |
1856 |
The first Neanderthal fossils are found near Germany |
45 |
1859 |
Charles Darwin publishes "Origin of Species" and begins the evolution theory. |
Age | Date | Event |
14 |
1828 |
Gold is discovered in Georgia. |
20 |
1834 |
July 9 - The S.S. John Randolph, the first successful iron steamship, is launched in Savannah |
47 |
1861 |
NEWS HEADLINES: American Civil war begins at Ft. Sumter, located in Charleston Harbor, VA. |
Age | Date | Event |
16 |
1830 |
South Carolina becomes the first state to secede from the Union, setting the stage for the creation of the Confederacy. |
46 |
1860 |
About 63,000 men from South Carolina served in the Confederate armed forces. |
Age | Date | Event |
6 |
1820 |
The Act of April 24, 1820 abolished the land purchase credit system, fixed the price of public lands at $1.25 per acre, and set the minimum purchase at 80 acres. After a person purchased land, a final certificate was issued by the land office and sent to Washington DC to be verified and signed by the President -- a time consuming process. Public lands were most typically available through US treaties with Indians who agreed to be removed from their homelands. |
16 |
1830 |
Indian Removal Act signed and the moving of eastern Indians west of the Mississippi begins. |
21 |
1835 |
Second Seminole Indian War begins. |
23 |
1837 |
The trickery used to capture Seminole Indian Chief Osceola (Assi Yohola) creates a public uproar and U.S. General Jesup is publicly condemned. |
26 |
1840 |
Oregon Trail is established |
28 |
1842 |
Second Seminole Indian War ends and thousands of Seminole Indians are forced to move west of the Mississippi. |
41 |
1855 |
Third Seminole Indian War begins. It ends three years later when Chief Billy Bowlegs and his band are forced to move from Florida. |
46 |
1860 |
Presidential election puts Abraham Lincoln in office. The campaign has heated the issues regarding slavery in the south. |
Age | Date | Event |
19 |
1833 |
Santa Anna is elected President of Mexico |
 Cathryn Bailey |
 | Jesse Bailey Born about 1814 and died about 1876. They were married 1/1/1832.
|  |
The Children of Catherine' Kiddy' Ann Coward / Cowan

Alfred F. Bailey Born somewhere in South Carolina about 1834 and died in Blountstown, Florida on October 13, 1889. He was about 55 years old.
He had ten children with wife Martha:
- Jim Bailey
- Sam Bailey
- Jonas "Doc" Bailey
- John Bailey
- Emily Bailey Stewart
- Zettie Ba...

Jesse Wesley Bailey Jr. Born somewhere in South Carolina on April 13, 1834 and died in Chipola (Calhoun County), Florida on April 28, 1906. He was 72 years old.
Enlisted 5/13/1862 as a Private in the CSA FL 8th Inf. Co. E.. He was taken prisoner 9/12/1862 at Fredericksburg, MD then exchanged 11/10/1862 in VA. Taken prisoner 7/3/1863 at Gettysburg, PA then sen...

Bryant Bailey Born somewhere in South Carolina about 1836 and died in an unknown location about 1864. He was about 28 years old.
He enlisted as a Private in the CSA (possibly in the FL 8th Inf. Co. E.). He died while fighting in an unknown battle....

Elizabeth A. Bailey Born somewhere in South Carolina about 1839 and died somewhere in Florida about 1920. She was about 81 years old.
Married 10/12/1858 to James L. Larimore in Jackson Co. FL. Her husband James was born in 1845 in MS. His occupations where Blacksmith and Wheelwright.
She had eight children with husband James:...

John L. Bailey Born somewhere in South Carolina about 1841 and died in Lake City, Florida on May 12, 1864. He was about 23 years old.
He enlistment in 1862 as a Private in Company F, 10th Infantry Regiment Florida, CSA. He died of disease on in 1864 at Lake City, FL....

Samuel D. Bailey Born somewhere in South Carolina about 1843 and died in Chancellorsville, Virginia on May 3, 1863. He was about 20 years old.
He enlisted in 1862 as a Private in the CSA FL 8th Inf. Co. E. A year later he died at the battle of Chancellorsville, VA. ...

Gadi Bailey Born somewhere in South Carolina on December 14, 1844 and died in Calhoun County, Florida on May 1, 1901. He was 56 years old.
Married Wealthy Elizabeth Ayers (born 4/25/1844 died 1/3/1929). He had ten children with wife Elizabeth: David Samuel Bailey (9/17/1867-11/18/1912) Jesse Wesley Bailey (1868- )married Mary ...

Preston Bailey Born somewhere in South Carolina on September 1, 1850 and died in Calhoun County, Florida about 1901. He was about 50 years old.
Married on 1/15/1872 in Liberty Co. FL to Emily Mathews (1949). They had no children, but raised three daughters of Alfred Bailey: Vinnie, Dalla and Delia Bailey. ...

Catherine Elizabeth Bailey Born in Calhoun County, Florida on June 1, 1852 and died in Calhoun County, Florida about 1870. She was about 17 years old.