Genealogy for
Samuel D. Bailey
About Samuel D. Bailey |
 Samuel D. Bailey 1843 - 5/3/1863
| Samuel D. Bailey was born about 1843 somewhere in South Carolina and died on May 3, 1863 in Chancellorsville, Virginia. Actual date of birth is unknown. He lived to be about 20 years old.
He enlisted in 1862 as a Private in the CSA FL 8th Inf. Co. E. A year later he died at the battle of Chancellorsville, VA. | 
 | Census | 10/2/1850 | SC (Marion County) | 7 yrs old | Recorded as family #1003: Jesse Bailey (age 34), Catherine (age 32), Alfred (16), Bryant (14), Jesse (12), Elizabeth (11), John (9), Samuel (7), Gadi (6), Preston (one month). Jesse is a farmer and estimates the value of his property to be $700. The three oldest children have been attending school. All were born in Marion County, SC. Catherine cannot read or write and it is noted on the census that she is either "deaf and dumb, blind, insane, idiotie, pauper, or convict". |
 | Census | 6/15/1860 | Marianna FL (Jackson County) | 17 yrs old | Recorded as family #172: Jesse Baily Sr (age 46), Alfred L. (age 25), John L. (age 19), Samuel D. (age 17), Gadi (14), Preston (10) and Catherine (age 8). All were born in South Carolina except Catherine, who was born in Florida. Jesse is a farmer and estimates the value of his property to be $800.
Additional information about Jackson County, FL around 1860: Click here to see a map from this timeperiod. | |
 | Military | 5/13/1862 | Marianna FL (Jackson County) | 19 yrs old | Enlisted in CSA Company E, 8th Infantry Regiment FL as a Private on 5/13/1862. Listed as Distinguished Service. Killed at Chancellorsville, VA on 5/3/1863.  |

- About
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- South Carolina News
- U.S. Events
Click on any of the News, Events, or Discoveries buttons above to see historical things that happened during
Samuel Bailey's life. These are only some of the major events that affected the life and times of
Samuel, his family, and friends. For example, Samuel is 12 years old when Third Seminole Indian War begins. It ends three years later when Chief Billy Bowlegs and his band are forced to move from Florida.
Age | Date | Event |
1 |
1844 |
The first telegraph message is sent by Morse, who later invents the Mores Code |
10 |
1853 |
The process of creating steel is invented by Besermer in Britain and Kelly in the U.S. |
13 |
1856 |
The first Neanderthal fossils are found near Germany |
16 |
1859 |
Charles Darwin publishes "Origin of Species" and begins the evolution theory. |
Age | Date | Event |
18 |
1861 |
NEWS HEADLINES: American Civil war begins at Ft. Sumter, located in Charleston Harbor, VA. |
19 |
1862 |
NEWS HEADLINES: May 20, 1862 the US government passes the Homestead Act to provide cheap land for settlement of lower Southeast and West. |
Age | Date | Event |
17 |
1860 |
About 63,000 men from South Carolina served in the Confederate armed forces. |
Age | Date | Event |
12 |
1855 |
Third Seminole Indian War begins. It ends three years later when Chief Billy Bowlegs and his band are forced to move from Florida. |
17 |
1860 |
Presidential election puts Abraham Lincoln in office. The campaign has heated the issues regarding slavery in the south. |
19 |
1862 |
May 20, 1862 the US government passes the Homestead Act to provide cheap land for settlement of lower Southeast and West. |
20 |
1863 |
Abraham Lincoln issues the "Emancipation Proclamation" freeing slaves. |
| |
The Children of Samuel D. Bailey
Please note that information about living children will not be displayed to the public. To see information about living children, you will need to logon on. If you do not have an account and you are a a member of this family, please contact us and request a logon. |