Printed from the Halley-Howard Family Photo Album

Genealogy for
Walter B. Davis 

Click for more Information about Ellis Davis.
Ellis Fairbanks Davis
1813 - 10/10/1885

Ruthy Weathington
1818 - 3/1853
Click for more Information about Ruthy Weathington.

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About Walter B. Davis
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Walter B. Davis
1844 - 6/28/1862
Walter B. Davis was born about 1844 in Blountstown, Florida and died on June 28, 1862 in Petersburg, Virginia. Actual date of birth is unknown. He lived to be about 18 years old.

He was a Private in the FL 15th Cavalry CSA Co. A Marianna Dragoons. Died of Diseases.
Census11/11/1850 FL (Calhoun County) 6 yrs old 
#132 -Ellis F. Davis (age 37, born in MS) is listed as head of household. Ruthy (age 32, born in GA), Alford D. (age 12), William E. (age 10), Walter (age 8), Laura (age 6), John (age 4), Martin (age 3 months). All of the children were born in Florida.
(next door is brother Joseph) 
Additional information about Calhoun County, FL around 1850: Click here to see a map from this timeperiod.  
Census6/9/1860 Marianna FL (Jackson County) 16 yrs old 
Ellis F. Davis (age 46, born in MS) is listed on line 13 with: Elizabeth (age 32, born in S. Carolina), William (age 18), Walter (age 16) Laura (age 14), John (13), Martin (10), Franklin (7), and Ellen (3). All of the children were born in Florida. He estimates the value of his real estate at $1, 000 and personal estate at $1, 000. His occupation is recorded as farmer. 
Additional information about Jackson County, FL around 1860: Click here to see a map from this timeperiod.  

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Click on any of the News, Events, or Discoveries buttons above to see historical things that happened during Walter Davis's life. These are only some of the major events that affected the life and times of Walter, his family, and friends. For example, Walter is 11 years old when Third Seminole Indian War begins. It ends three years later when Chief Billy Bowlegs and his band are forced to move from Florida.
1 1845 Florida becomes the 27th state to join the United States. William Moseley becomes the first governor and David Yulee the first senator.
6 1850 Florida's total population has grown to 87,445. This includes about 39,000 slaves and 1,000 free blacks. Indians were not counted.
11 1855 Third Seminole Indian War begins and war breaks out with most of the battles occurring in Central Florida. It ends three years later when Chief Billy Bowlegs and his band are forced to move from Florida.
17 1861 No Floridian's voted for Lincoln during the 1860 election. On Jan. 10, 1861, Florida seceded from the U.S. and joined the Confederate States of America a few weeks later.
9 1853 The process of creating steel is invented by Besermer in Britain and Kelly in the U.S.
12 1856 The first Neanderthal fossils are found near Germany
15 1859 Charles Darwin publishes "Origin of Species" and begins the evolution theory.
17 1861 NEWS HEADLINES: American Civil war begins at Ft. Sumter, located in Charleston Harbor, VA.
18 1862 NEWS HEADLINES: May 20, 1862 the US government passes the Homestead Act to provide cheap land for settlement of lower Southeast and West.
11 1855 Third Seminole Indian War begins. It ends three years later when Chief Billy Bowlegs and his band are forced to move from Florida.
16 1860 Presidential election puts Abraham Lincoln in office. The campaign has heated the issues regarding slavery in the south.
18 1862 May 20, 1862 the US government passes the Homestead Act to provide cheap land for settlement of lower Southeast and West.

The Children of Walter B. Davis

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