Genealogy for
Wealthy Elizabeth Ayers
About Wealthy Elizabeth Ayers |
 Wealthy Elizabeth Ayers 4/25/1844 - 1/3/1929
| Wealthy Elizabeth Ayers was born on April 25, 1844 in Pulaski Co, Georgia and died on January 3, 1929 in Calhoun Co, Florida. She lived to be 84 years old.
She was also called Bertha. She had 10 children:
- David Samuel Bailey (9/17/1867-11/18/1912)
- Jesse Wesley Bailey (1868- ) married Mary Reba Parish
- Wealthy Elizabeth "Lizzie" Bailey Hires (1872-)
- Mary Ann Bailey Hines (1875- )
- Bryant M. Bailey (10/25/1876-1/1/1915)
- Eliza Lourania Bailey Hires (10/18/1878-3/24/1964)
- Catherine Bailey Peacock (1/8/1880-)
- Ira W. Bailey (11/4/1881-)
- Benjamin Walter Bailey (11/1884-1961)
- John McKenneth Bailey (12/10/1888-8/23/1962)
 | Census | 10/14/1850 | 5 th district FL (Calhoun County) | 6 yrs old | family #5: John Ayrs (age 43, born in SC), Arilda (age 43, born in GA), Tellitha (25, SC), David (11, GA), John (12, GA), Thos. (10, GA), Benjam. (8, GA), William (8,GA), Elizabeth A. (6, GA), Asa (4, GA), Quinn (2, FL), Ishmael (4 months old, FL). John states he is a Blacksmith.
#7 William Ayrs & family are listed
Additional information about Calhoun County, FL around 1850: Click here to see a map from this timeperiod. | |
 | Census | 7/18/1860 | Ochesee District FL (Calhoun County) | 16 yrs old | family# 46: Aurelia Ayers (age 44, born in GA, Housekeeping), John (22, GA, farming), David (21, FL, Farming), Thomas (20, FL, farming), Benjamin (18, FL, farming), William (18, FL, farming), Wealthy (17, FL, Domestic), Elizabeth (17, FL, Domestic), Asa W. (14, FL), Queen Ann (12, FL), Ishmael (10, FL); Samuel (8, FL), Mary Arilda(6, FL). Check marks are in the box for white, black or malatto for Aurelia & John.
#49 James Stephens (62) He was born in GA and is a Baptist minister. Value of estate $150. Check mark is in the box for white, black or malatto.
Additional information about Calhoun County, FL around 1860: Click here to see a map from this timeperiod. | |
 | Other | 10/30/1863 | Abe Springs Bluff FL (Calhoun County) | 19 yrs old | Calhoun County Fall Term 1863 Report of witnesses summoned on behalf of the state and attending at said term and entitled by law to payment from the state. #6 Robert W. Nixon - number of miles: 4, number of days: 1, amount in dollars: 1.65 , #8 Arilda Ayers - number of miles: 12, number of days: 1, amount in dollars: 2.70 #9 Wiltha Ayres- number of miles: 12, number of days: 1, amount in dollars: 2.70 In cases of State –v- Luke Lott and State –v- Rebecca Maudlin. Written my hand and private seal, my seal of office having been destroyed by fire in the destruction of the Court house, this October 30th 1863, Wm Clark - Clerk of Calhoun County Circuit Court |
 | Marriage | 2/12/1867 | Blounstown FL (Calhoun County) | 22 yrs old | Marriage of Gadi Bailey to Weltha E. Ayers on Feb.12, 1867 in Calhoun Co., FL |
 | Census | 7/9/1870 | FL (Calhoun County) | 26 yrs old | Recorded as family #267 beginning on line 184: J. Jesse Bailey (age 56), Francis Bailey (age 45), Preston (19), Catherine (16), Thomas (8), John (7), Henry (5), and David Cutts (11). Jessie is a farmer and estimates the value of his estate at $500. He, his wife, and oldest child was born in SC and the rest in FL. Jessie is the only person in the house who can read and write.
Recorded as family #269 beginning on line 27:
Gadi Baley (age 26),
Wealthy Baley (age 25),
David Baley (4), and
Jessee Baley (2).
Gadi is a farmer and estimates the value of his estate at $200. He was born in SC and everyone else in FL. Both adults can read and write.
Additional information about Calhoun County, FL around 1870: Click here to see a map from this timeperiod. | |
 | Census | 7/9/1870 | FL (Calhoun County) | 26 yrs old | Recorded as family #269,186: Gadi Baley(age 26), Wealithy (age 25), David (age 4) and Jesse (age 2). Gadi was born in SC all others in FL. Gadi is a farmer and estimates the value of his property to be $200.
on the same page is 270,187,Samuel Laramore,268,185 Polly McCormick,267,184 Jesse Bailey Jr. and their families.
Additional information about Calhoun County, FL around 1870: Click here to see a map from this timeperiod. | |
 | Census | 6/1/1900 | Board Head FL (Calhoun County) | 56 yrs old | #704 - Gadi Bailey (age56 - Dec.1843),
Bertha E. Bailey (56 -April 1844),
Bryant M. Bailey (23 - Oct. 1876),
Ira W. Bailey (18- Nov.1881),
Elizabeth Bailey (17- Jan.1883),
Benjamin W. Bailey (15-Nov. 1884) &
John M. Bailey (11-Dec. 1888). Gadi and Bertha have been married 33 years, they have 10 children, all are living. Gadi was born in SC, as were his parents. Bertha was born in GA, as were her parents. Gadi is a farmer, Bryant and Ira are farm laborers.
next door -#705(daughter & family) Edward Hires(31 -May 1869), Elizabeth (20-Oct. 1879), Gadi E. (3 - Nov. 1896), Rassi (1 -Dec. 1897) & Martha (5mo. - Dec. 1899). Edward is a farm laborer, he was born in GA, as were his parents.
Additional information about Calhoun County, FL around 1900: The first automobile, nick-named Chicken Killer, arrives in Blountstown in 1905. The photo on the right shows The Chicken Killer. Click the photo for a larger view. Click here to see a map from this timeperiod. | 

- About
- Florida News
- Georgia News
- Discoveries
- News Headlines
- U.S. Events
- World Events
Click on any of the News, Events, or Discoveries buttons above to see historical things that happened during
Wealthy Ayers's life. These are only some of the major events that affected the life and times of
Wealthy, her family, and friends. For example, Wealthy is 11 years old when Third Seminole Indian War begins. It ends three years later when Chief Billy Bowlegs and his band are forced to move from Florida.
Age | Date | Event |
1 |
1845 |
Florida becomes the 27th state to join the United States. William Moseley becomes the first governor and David Yulee the first senator. |
6 |
1850 |
Florida's total population has grown to 87,445. This includes about 39,000 slaves and 1,000 free blacks. Indians were not counted. |
11 |
1855 |
Third Seminole Indian War begins and war breaks out with most of the battles occurring in Central Florida. It ends three years later when Chief Billy Bowlegs and his band are forced to move from Florida. |
17 |
1861 |
No Floridian's voted for Lincoln during the 1860 election. On Jan. 10, 1861, Florida seceded from the U.S. and joined the Confederate States of America a few weeks later. |
20 |
1864 |
Battle of Olustee is a Confederate victory. Union troops pull back |
21 |
1865 |
Battle at Natural Bridge (Wakulla County) is a Confederate victory. |
21 |
1865 |
May 10th -- Union troops occupy Tallahassee. While Tallahassee was the only Confederate state capital east of the Mississippi River that had not been captured, Union troops occupy the capitol following the surrender of the major Confederate armies in the east. |
26 |
1870 |
During the 1870s, the remaining Seminole Indians begin establishing trading posts and other economy with local settlers. |
38 |
1882 |
The Florida Central and Western Railroad Company was created. It combines the Florida Central, Jacksonville, Pensacola, and Mobile railroads. |
39 |
1883 |
Three railroad companies are merged to form the Florida Transit and Penisular Railroad Company. Thee are: Florida Transit Railroad Co., Peninsular Railroad Co, and the Tropical Florida Railroad Co. |
40 |
1884 |
Most railroads in Florida are passed into the hands of a single company owned and operated by a single management, under the name of The Florida Railway and Navigation Company. It has more that 500 miles of main track in operation and about 300 miles of track under construction. The longest route was the "Western Division" which ran from Tallahassee to Jacksonville - 209 miles. |
62 |
1906 |
An attempt to drain the Everglades and convert it to farmland begins. |
73 |
1917 |
Seminole Indians become a Florida tourist attraction. |
84 |
1928 |
The Tamiami Trail opens. It opens the southernmost 275 miles of U.S. Highway 41 from State Road 60 in Tampa to U.S. Route 1 (SR 5) in Miami, Florida to tourist. It also destroys many of the Seminole Indian waterways and hinders their economy. |
Age | Date | Event |
3 |
1847 |
Atlanta, Georgia is incorporated. Formally Marthasville |
6 |
1850 |
Gordon and Clinch Counties are formed. |
7 |
1851 |
Clay, Howell, Polk, Spalding, and Whitfield Counties are formed. |
8 |
1852 |
Taylor County formed. |
9 |
1853 |
Catoosa, Pickens, Hart, Dougherty, Webster, Flton, and Worth Counties aare creaated. |
10 |
1854 |
Fannin, Coffee, Chattahooche, Charlton, and Calhoun Counties formed. |
12 |
1856 |
Haralson, Terrell, Berrien, Colquit, Miller, and Towns Counties formed. |
13 |
1857 |
Dawson, Milton, Pierce, Glascock, Mitchell, Schley, White, and Wilcox Counties formed. |
14 |
1858 |
Clayton, Quitman, Banks, Brooks, Johnson, and Echols Counties formed. |
26 |
1870 |
Douglas, McDuffie, Rockdale, and Dodge Counties formed. |
31 |
1875 |
Oconee County formed. |
61 |
1905 |
Crisp, Grady, Jenkins, Tift, Davis, Stephens, Toombs, Turner, and Ben Hill Counties formed. |
68 |
1912 |
Forsyth, Bleckley, and Wheeler Counties formed. |
70 |
1914 |
Barrow, Candler, Bacon, and Evans Counties are formed. |
73 |
1917 |
Atkinson and Treutlen Counties are formed. |
76 |
1920 |
Seminole, Lanier, Brantley, Long, and Lamar Counties are formed. |
80 |
1924 |
Peach County is formed. |
Age | Date | Event |
9 |
1853 |
The process of creating steel is invented by Besermer in Britain and Kelly in the U.S. |
12 |
1856 |
The first Neanderthal fossils are found near Germany |
15 |
1859 |
Charles Darwin publishes "Origin of Species" and begins the evolution theory. |
21 |
1865 |
Mendel publishes his papers on genetics and introduces the concept to the public. |
25 |
1869 |
Cro-magnon Man fossils are found in France |
33 |
1877 |
Edison invents the phonograph permitting music and voices to be recorded and replayed. |
35 |
1879 |
Edison invents the electric light bulb. |
45 |
1889 |
The first calculating machine is invented and uses punch cards |
51 |
1895 |
Wireless telegraph and the "antenna" are invented but it covers a very short distance. |
53 |
1897 |
First ship to shore message is sent using an improved form of wireless telegraph |
56 |
1900 |
The cause of yellow fever is discovered. It is proven that the fever is spread by mosquitoes. This rallies an effort to provide better mosquito control. |
56 |
1900 |
Freud publishes his book "The Interpretation of Dreams" |
57 |
1901 |
First transatlantic wireless telegraph is sent. |
58 |
1902 |
The first Tyrannosaurus Rex fossil is discovered. |
59 |
1903 |
Wright Brothers complete the first successful flight with an airplane at Kitty Hawk |
60 |
1904 |
The first vacuum tube diode is invented by Fleming |
62 |
1906 |
Kellogg sells the first box of Corn Flakes |
62 |
1906 |
Electrons are discovered by Thomson |
62 |
1906 |
The triode vacuum tube is invented |
68 |
1912 |
The unsinkable Titanic sinks on its first trip to New York drowning 1,513 people. |
69 |
1913 |
Ford builds the first assembly line into his automobile production plant |
70 |
1914 |
The first traffic lights (which is only red or green) are put up in America; Construction of the Panama Canal is completed |
79 |
1923 |
Diphtheria vaccine is developed; Insulin is produced to treat diabetes |
79 |
1923 |
Freud publishes "The Ego and the Id" |
80 |
1924 |
Insecticides are used for the first time on crops |
82 |
1926 |
Goddard launched the first liquid-fueled rocket |
83 |
1927 |
The first television transmission was announced in England |
84 |
1928 |
Big bang theory was introduced |
Age | Date | Event |
17 |
1861 |
NEWS HEADLINES: American Civil war begins at Ft. Sumter, located in Charleston Harbor, VA. |
18 |
1862 |
NEWS HEADLINES: May 20, 1862 the US government passes the Homestead Act to provide cheap land for settlement of lower Southeast and West. |
38 |
1882 |
NEWS HEADLINES: Edison creates the first large power station in New York City, making it the first place in America to have electricity. |
41 |
1885 |
NEWS HEADLINES: Eastman invents the box camera. For the first time photography becomes affordable for the average citizen. |
64 |
1908 |
NEWS HEADLINES: Henry Ford produces the first Model T automobile |
68 |
1912 |
White residents of Forsyth County, GA, drive the black population out. |
69 |
1913 |
NEWS HEADLINES: Edison invents motion pictures |
73 |
1917 |
NEWS HEADLINES: In June, the United States enters World War I on the side of the allies. The Russian Revolution ends the reign of the czars and thrusts Russia into communism. |
75 |
1919 |
NEWS HEADLINES: World War I ends with the signing of The Versailles Treaty. |
Age | Date | Event |
11 |
1855 |
Third Seminole Indian War begins. It ends three years later when Chief Billy Bowlegs and his band are forced to move from Florida. |
16 |
1860 |
Presidential election puts Abraham Lincoln in office. The campaign has heated the issues regarding slavery in the south. |
18 |
1862 |
May 20, 1862 the US government passes the Homestead Act to provide cheap land for settlement of lower Southeast and West. |
19 |
1863 |
Abraham Lincoln issues the "Emancipation Proclamation" freeing slaves. |
21 |
1865 |
American Civil war ends with General Lee's surrender at Appomattox, VA. Reconstruction begins in the "old South" |
24 |
1868 |
An eight-hour work day is established for federal employees. |
31 |
1875 |
Tennessee enacts Jim Crow law. |
32 |
1876 |
The National League of Baseball is founded |
65 |
1909 |
The National Association for Advancement of Colored People is formed (NAACP) |
66 |
1910 |
Boy Scout and Girl Scout Organizations are introduced in America and the concept of a "week end" meaning time off from regular work begins to take root. The British Empire covers 1/5th of the world land area. |
83 |
1927 |
Charles Lindbergh becomes the first man to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean and Babe Ruth hits 60 home runs. |
85 |
1929 |
Widespread prosperity of the 1920s ends abruptly with the stock market crash in October |
Age | Date | Event |
65 |
1909 |
The "Piltdown Man" hoax -- a fake archeological discovery announced by dishonest scientists who wanted to "prove" that human beings had evolved in Europe |
70 |
1914 |
World War I - Following the crisis touched off by the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria in Sarajevo, Germany declared war on Russia and additional countries joined the war within several days. |
73 |
1917 |
Germany uses airplanes to drop bombs in the early stages of World War I -- the first major military use of airplanes. |
75 |
1919 |
The Versailles Treaty marks the official end of World War I. |
76 |
1920 |
Adolph Hitler begins to organize the Nazi party in Germany; The Ku Klux Klan launches a recruitment campaign using mass marketing techniques to gain 85,000 new recruits; the first commercial broadcast is made. |
 Welthey |
 | Gadi Bailey Born on December 14, 1844 and died on May 1, 1901. They were married 2/12/1867.
|  |
The Children of Wealthy Elizabeth Ayers

David Samuel Bailey Born somewhere in Florida on September 16, 1867 and died in Blountstown, Florida on August 2, 1912. He was 44 years old.
He married Elizabeth "Lizzie" Walton Bryant (7/11/1866-1/22/1896). Children:
Edward McKinnie (8/2/1888-3/30/1949)
- Annie Mary (7/11/1890 to ??)
- Prest...

Jesse Wesley Bailey Born in Calhoun Co., Florida on an unknown day in May 1868 and died in an unknown location about 1925. He was about 56 years old.
He married Mary Reba Parish on 1/2/1890. Their children were: Ben (1890), William (1892), George (Mar.1895) & Daisy (1901).
Jesse married Domeda Tipton (2/9/1882 GA - 6/18/1942 Magnolia Cem. ...
 25 years old
Mary Ann Arilda Bailey Born in Calhoun County, Florida about 1875 and died in Calhoun County, Florida about 1965. She was about 90 years old.
She married Joshua Canaan Hiers (4/1872 Colquitt, GA - 1950 Gulf Co. FL) Children: Elvie Arkansas (1898) James Franklin(1899) Joshua Canaan Jr. (1900) John Phillip (1908)...
 37 years old
Bryant M. Bailey Born in Pippins Mills, Calhoun Co., Florida on October 25, 1876 and died in Calhoun County, Florida on January 1, 1915. He was 38 years old.

Ira Willard Bailey Born in Calhoun Co., Florida on November 4, 1881 and died in Calhoun Co., Florida on April 4, 1946. He was 64 years old.
He married Nettie Estel Sheffield (1/30/1889 - 1/13/1977). They had five children: George W. Bailey (1910 -1967) Earnest Gadi Bailey (1912) Jewel Bailey (1914) Coy Lee Bailey ...

Wealthy Elizabeth Bailey Born in Calhoun County, Florida on January 2, 1884 and died in Blountstown, Calhoun County, Florida on an unknown day in July 1956. She was 72 years old.
She was called "Lizzie". ...
 27 years old
John McKenzie Bailey Born somewhere in Florida on December 10, 1888 and died in Calhoun Co., Florida on August 23, 1962. He was 73 years old.
Children: John Tinsley (9/4/1917 to 2/17/2000) Lonzie Frank (9/3/1920) Mamie Elvira (11/29/1922)...