Genealogy for
Gatsey Ann Sutton
About Gatsey Ann Sutton |
 Gatsey Ann Sutton 1821 - 1879
| Gatsey Ann Sutton was born about 1821 somewhere in Georgia and died about 1879 in Anacoco, Louisiana. Dates for birth and death are estimated. She lived to be about 58 years old.
Gatsey married Francis and had eight Children:
Eliza (1840 FL) married John T. Hall
Mary Elizabeth (1844)
Martha Ann (abt. 1837)-married Andrew Jackson Howard (Castor Cem. no dates)
Benjamin Henry (1848-1932) married Malissa M. Yon(1853)
Alice M. ( 1856 -died in Bonifay,FL) married ____Hall
Marion Pierce (12/7/ 1858 - 9/10/1922) married Rebecca J. (1864-1930)
Charlie "Tom" B. (1859)-(movied to AK)
John W. (1867 FL) (moved to Louisianna)
Family lore says she was an Indian.
 | Census | 1/1/1830 | GA (Jefferson County) | 9 yrs old | Wiley Sutton - one male under 5, one male (5-9), one male (15-19), one male (40-49), two females (10-14), one female (20-29) |
 | Census | 11/26/1850 | 7th District FL (Gadsden County) | 29 yrs old | Recorded as family #424: Francis Franklin (male, age 33), Gadsy (female, age 29), Martha (female, age 7), Eliza (female, age 7), Mary (female, age 5), Benjamin (male, age 2) and Henry Egeston (male, age 23). Francis is a farmer and estimates the value of his estate to be $300. Everyone was born in Georgia except the youngest child and Henry who were born in Florida. |
 | Census | 7/18/1860 | Newton GA (Baker County) | 39 yrs old | Family #179: F.M. Franklin (age 43), P. Franklin (38), E. Franklin (20), B. H. Franklin (10), H. B. Franklin (8), P. Franklin (6), A. Franklin (4), Chas Franklin (2). F. M. is a farmer. They estate is valued at $700 and personal $ 1200. All born in GA. |
 | Census | 6/20/1870 | Marianna FL (Calhoun County) | 49 yrs old | Recorded as family #15: F. M. Franklin (age 53), Gatsie M. (age 50), Marion P. (male, age 17), Alice M. (age 14), Charles B. (age 11). F. M. estimates the value of their estate to be $400. F. M. and Gatsia were born in Georgia and everyone else was born in Florida.
Their daughter Eliza Franklin (28)is listed with John W (age 7) as the next family #16. Their son, family #13, Benji.F. Franklin (22-GA) & Mallissa M.(17-FL). Shad Sutton (a farmer, age 65, born in NC) and Elizabeth Sutton (age 35) are recorded as family #18.
Additional information about Calhoun County, FL around 1870: Click here to see a map from this timeperiod. | |

- About
- Georgia News
- Discoveries
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- U.S. Events
- World Events
Click on any of the News, Events, or Discoveries buttons above to see historical things that happened during
Gatsey Sutton's life. These are only some of the major events that affected the life and times of
Gatsey, her family, and friends. For example, Gatsey is 9 years old when Indian Removal Act signed and the moving of eastern Indians west of the Mississippi begins.
Age | Date | Event |
1 |
1822 |
December 9 - Bibb, Dekalb and Pike Counties formed. |
2 |
1823 |
December 8 - Decatur County formed. |
3 |
1824 |
December 15 - Upson and Ware Counties formed. |
4 |
1825 |
Baker, Lowndes, Thomas, Butts and Taliaferro Counties formed. |
5 |
1826 |
January 24 - Treaty of Washington abrogates Treaty of Indian Springs. The Creeks cede a smaller area and are allowed to remain on their lands until January 1, 1826. |
6 |
1827 |
December 14, - Harris, Marion, Meriwether and Talbot. |
9 |
1830 |
Cherokee, Heard, and Stewrt Counties are formed. |
10 |
1831 |
Sumter County is formed. |
11 |
1832 |
December 3 - Bartow, Cobb, Crawford, Floyd, Forsyth, Gilmer, Lumpkin, Murray, Paulding, and Union Counties formed. |
12 |
1833 |
Walker County is formed. |
15 |
1836 |
Seminoles massacre Major Francis L. Dade and his 103 man command. This starts the second Seminole War.
February - Battle of Hitchity.
March 27 - Colonel J.W. Fannin and his Georgian's executed by order of Santa Ana at Goliad on Palm Sunday.
July - Battle of Brushy Creek.
July 3 - Battle of Chickasawachee Swamp.
July 27 - Battle of Echowanochaway Creek. |
16 |
1837 |
Mcon and Dade Counties are formed. |
17 |
1838 |
Chattooga County formed |
26 |
1847 |
Atlanta, Georgia is incorporated. Formally Marthasville |
29 |
1850 |
Gordon and Clinch Counties are formed. |
30 |
1851 |
Clay, Howell, Polk, Spalding, and Whitfield Counties are formed. |
31 |
1852 |
Taylor County formed. |
32 |
1853 |
Catoosa, Pickens, Hart, Dougherty, Webster, Flton, and Worth Counties aare creaated. |
33 |
1854 |
Fannin, Coffee, Chattahooche, Charlton, and Calhoun Counties formed. |
35 |
1856 |
Haralson, Terrell, Berrien, Colquit, Miller, and Towns Counties formed. |
36 |
1857 |
Dawson, Milton, Pierce, Glascock, Mitchell, Schley, White, and Wilcox Counties formed. |
37 |
1858 |
Clayton, Quitman, Banks, Brooks, Johnson, and Echols Counties formed. |
49 |
1870 |
Douglas, McDuffie, Rockdale, and Dodge Counties formed. |
54 |
1875 |
Oconee County formed. |
Age | Date | Event |
9 |
1830 |
The first railroad is constructed between Liverpool and Manchester, England |
18 |
1839 |
Goodyear invents vulcanized rubber, opening the door for tires and other rubber products. |
23 |
1844 |
The first telegraph message is sent by Morse, who later invents the Mores Code |
32 |
1853 |
The process of creating steel is invented by Besermer in Britain and Kelly in the U.S. |
35 |
1856 |
The first Neanderthal fossils are found near Germany |
38 |
1859 |
Charles Darwin publishes "Origin of Species" and begins the evolution theory. |
44 |
1865 |
Mendel publishes his papers on genetics and introduces the concept to the public. |
48 |
1869 |
Cro-magnon Man fossils are found in France |
56 |
1877 |
Edison invents the phonograph permitting music and voices to be recorded and replayed. |
58 |
1879 |
Edison invents the electric light bulb. |
Age | Date | Event |
7 |
1828 |
Gold is discovered in Georgia. |
13 |
1834 |
July 9 - The S.S. John Randolph, the first successful iron steamship, is launched in Savannah |
40 |
1861 |
NEWS HEADLINES: American Civil war begins at Ft. Sumter, located in Charleston Harbor, VA. |
41 |
1862 |
NEWS HEADLINES: May 20, 1862 the US government passes the Homestead Act to provide cheap land for settlement of lower Southeast and West. |
Age | Date | Event |
9 |
1830 |
Indian Removal Act signed and the moving of eastern Indians west of the Mississippi begins. |
14 |
1835 |
Second Seminole Indian War begins. |
16 |
1837 |
The trickery used to capture Seminole Indian Chief Osceola (Assi Yohola) creates a public uproar and U.S. General Jesup is publicly condemned. |
19 |
1840 |
Oregon Trail is established |
21 |
1842 |
Second Seminole Indian War ends and thousands of Seminole Indians are forced to move west of the Mississippi. |
34 |
1855 |
Third Seminole Indian War begins. It ends three years later when Chief Billy Bowlegs and his band are forced to move from Florida. |
39 |
1860 |
Presidential election puts Abraham Lincoln in office. The campaign has heated the issues regarding slavery in the south. |
41 |
1862 |
May 20, 1862 the US government passes the Homestead Act to provide cheap land for settlement of lower Southeast and West. |
42 |
1863 |
Abraham Lincoln issues the "Emancipation Proclamation" freeing slaves. |
44 |
1865 |
American Civil war ends with General Lee's surrender at Appomattox, VA. Reconstruction begins in the "old South" |
47 |
1868 |
An eight-hour work day is established for federal employees. |
54 |
1875 |
Tennessee enacts Jim Crow law. |
55 |
1876 |
The National League of Baseball is founded |
Age | Date | Event |
12 |
1833 |
Santa Anna is elected President of Mexico |
| |
 | Francis Franklin Born on June 10, 1817 and died on September 6, 1889
|  |
The Children of Gatsey Ann Sutton

Martha Ann Franklin Born in Baker County, Georgia on December 5, 1837 and died in Veron Parrish, Louisiana on November 12, 1905. She was 67 years old.
She married Andrew Jackson Howard. He was the son of Edward Lemuel Howard and Lydia Stafford.
Andrew was a carpenter and a shipbuilder as well as a lighthouse keeper in the 1860's. Their daug...

Mary Elizabeth Franklin Born in Baker County, Georgia on November 13, 1844 and died in Blountstown, Florida on October 17, 1918. She was 73 years old.
She married Eustace Studstill in about 1860. Their marriage didn't last long, he may have died in the Civil War. Family history says they had one or two children that died young. She later marrie...

Benjamin Henry Franklin Born somewhere in Florida on an unknown day in March 1848 and died in Calhoun, Florida about 1932. He was 83 years old.
He married on 10/25/1868 to Melissa M. Yon.
- Benjamin Morgan (1/1875 -1955) - married Elmira Malissa McKeown (1887)
- Silas Higdon (4/20/1892-11/29/19...