Genealogy for
Lula Virginia Smith
About Lula Virginia Smith |
 Lula Virginia Smith 11/30/1913 - 7/29/1925
| Lula Virginia Smith was born on November 30, 1913 in Arlington, Georgia and died on July 29, 1925 in Albany, Dougherty County, Georgia. She lived to be 11 years old.
 | Census | 1/29/1920 | Millford, Militia District 957 GA (Baker County) | 6 yrs old | dwelling#261, household#262 - Elick (Alex) W. Smith (age33),
Mattie Smith (28),
Phil W. Smith (7),
Lula Smith (6 3mo.)
Girtrud Smith (3 3mo.)
Ruby L. Smith (10 mo.). They rent their house. All born in GA. Elick is a farmer. Elick & Mattie can read & write.
 | Death Certificate | 7/29/1925 | Albany GA (Dougherty County) | 11 yrs old | Name: Lula Virginia Smith
Birth Date: 1913,
Birth Place: Arlington, Georgia,
Death Date: July 29, 1925,
Death Place: Albany, Dougherty,
Death Age: 11,
Race: White,
Ethnicity: American,
Gender: Female,
Father Name: A. W. Smith,
Mother Name: Mattie Howard,
Film Number: 2363472 |
 | Graveyard/Tombstone | 7/30/1925 | Milford Cemetery GA (Baker County) | 11 yrs old | Name: Lula V. Smith
Birth Date: Nov.30, 1913,Death Date: July 29, 1925,
Cemetery: Milford Baptist Church Cemetery,
Burial Place: Baker County, Georgia, |

- About
- Georgia News
- Discoveries
- News Headlines
- World Events
Click on any of the News, Events, or Discoveries buttons above to see historical things that happened during
Lula Smith's life. These are only some of the major events that affected the life and times of
Lula, her family, and friends.
Age | Date | Event |
1 |
1914 |
Barrow, Candler, Bacon, and Evans Counties are formed. |
4 |
1917 |
Atkinson and Treutlen Counties are formed. |
7 |
1920 |
Seminole, Lanier, Brantley, Long, and Lamar Counties are formed. |
11 |
1924 |
Peach County is formed. |
Age | Date | Event |
1 |
1914 |
The first traffic lights (which is only red or green) are put up in America; Construction of the Panama Canal is completed |
10 |
1923 |
Diphtheria vaccine is developed; Insulin is produced to treat diabetes |
10 |
1923 |
Freud publishes "The Ego and the Id" |
11 |
1924 |
Insecticides are used for the first time on crops |
Age | Date | Event |
4 |
1917 |
NEWS HEADLINES: In June, the United States enters World War I on the side of the allies. The Russian Revolution ends the reign of the czars and thrusts Russia into communism. |
6 |
1919 |
NEWS HEADLINES: World War I ends with the signing of The Versailles Treaty. |
Age | Date | Event |
1 |
1914 |
World War I - Following the crisis touched off by the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria in Sarajevo, Germany declared war on Russia and additional countries joined the war within several days. |
4 |
1917 |
Germany uses airplanes to drop bombs in the early stages of World War I -- the first major military use of airplanes. |
6 |
1919 |
The Versailles Treaty marks the official end of World War I. |
7 |
1920 |
Adolph Hitler begins to organize the Nazi party in Germany; The Ku Klux Klan launches a recruitment campaign using mass marketing techniques to gain 85,000 new recruits; the first commercial broadcast is made. |
| |
The Children of Lula Virginia Smith
Please note that information about living children will not be displayed to the public. To see information about living children, you will need to logon on. If you do not have an account and you are a a member of this family, please contact us and request a logon. |