Genealogy for
J. Vann Kent
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About J. Vann Kent |
 J. Vann Kent 1/11/1931 - 3/3/1952
| J. Vann Kent was born on January 11, 1931 in Tarboro, North Carolina and died on March 3, 1952 in an unknown place overseas in Korea. He lived to be 21 years old.
His first name may have been Joseph. His parents were: Jesse C. Kent (1898-1950)
and Lizzie Beel Kent (1903-1954) | 
 | Census | 4/18/1940 | Tarboro NC (Edgecombe County) | 9 yrs old | #201 -J. C. Kent (age 42),
Lizzie Belly Kent (36),
Jessie Kent (17),
Lewis James Kent (14),
Wm. Henry Kent (12),
J. Van Kent (9),
John Elbert Kent (7),
Addie Elizabeth Kent (1). Jesse and Lizzie were born in FL, all children born in NC. Address: 201 Hall Street. Jesse is a carpenter, Lizzie is a knitter and Lewis is a starger at the hosiery mill. They rent their home, valued at $600. |
 | Marriage | 4/7/1951 | NC (Edgecombe County) | 20 yrs old | Name: Josie Evelyn Bozeman,
Gender: Female,
Race: White,
Age: 23,
Birth Year: abt 1928,
Marriage Date: April 7, 1951,
Marriage Place: Edgecombe, North Carolina,
Spouse: J. Vann Kent,
Spouse Gender: Male,
Spouse Race: White,
Spouse Age: 20,
Event Type: Marriage |
 | Military | 3/2/1952 | ZZ | 21 yrs old | Name: J. Van Kent, Gender: Male, Citizen: US, Casualty Date: March 2, 1952, Casualty Country: Korea, Casualty Type: Accident, Service Branch:US Army, Rank: Sergeant, Pay Grade: Specialist Fifth Class, BURIED - UNKNOWN DISP |
 | Other | 1/1/1953 | Tarboro NC | 1 yrs after death | From 42nd Annual Session of the North Carolina Pentecostal Holiness Church -page 76, Report of Committee of Memoirs We, your committee of memoirs, sympathetically submit our report. It is written, "Precious in sight of the Lord is the death of his saints" During the past year God called from among us J. Vann Kent, who was a well loved member of the Tarboro P.H.Y.S. At the time of his death he was serving in the Armed forces of our country in Korea. Although he is missed greatly by the Tarboro P.H.Y.S. and all that knew him, we the N.C.P.H.Y.S. convention members bow in humble submission to the will of God in calling him home. We hereby extend our sympathy to his wife , Mrs. Kent and to all his relatives. Respectfully submitted: Rev. Donner Lee, Fred Cross, Larraine Mozingo, Gailya Williams, Howard Branch, Billy Register |

- About
- Discoveries
- News Headlines
- U.S. Events
- World Events
Click on any of the News, Events, or Discoveries buttons above to see historical things that happened during
J. Kent's life. These are only some of the major events that affected the life and times of
J., his family, and friends. For example, J. is 1 years old when Amelia Earhart becomes the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. The infant son of Charles Lindbergh is kidnapped and murdered.
Age | Date | Event |
5 |
1936 |
The first regular television broadcast happens in England |
7 |
1938 |
Hahn, Strassmann, Meitner and Frisch discover nuclear fission |
15 |
1946 |
The university of Pennsylvania develops the ENIAC computer, containing 18,000 vacuum tubes |
16 |
1947 |
Researches at Bell Labs invent the first transistor |
20 |
1951 |
The first color television is introduced in the U.S. |
21 |
1952 |
The first sex-change surgery was performed to change George Jorgensen into Christine Jorgensen. |
Age | Date | Event |
7 |
1938 |
NEWS HEADLINES: Orson Wells' radio production of H.G. Well's War of the Worlds causes a national panic. |
8 |
1939 |
NEWS HEADLINES: The first regular television broadcast happens in the United States |
10 |
1941 |
NEWS HEADLINES: December 7, 1941 -- Japan launches a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor and the US officially declares war on Japan the following day. World War II begins for American soldiers. |
19 |
1950 |
NEWS HEADLINES: On June 25, the Korean War begins and the United Nations officially declaring war on North Korea two days later. |
Age | Date | Event |
1 |
1932 |
Amelia Earhart becomes the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. The infant son of Charles Lindbergh is kidnapped and murdered. |
2 |
1933 |
Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected president under his "New Deal" campaign. Frances Perkins becomes the first woman to hold a cabinet post when FDR appoints her secretary of labor. On December 5, the 21st Amendment is added to the Constitution, repealing Prohibition. Drinks for everyone! |
3 |
1934 |
Congress passes the Indian Reorganization Act which allows remaining Indian tribes to reorganize. |
3 |
1934 |
Farm families must leave the dust bowl-stricken Great Plains areas. The dust bowl includes areas in Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Nevada and Arkansas. Radio picks up the "Okie" songs. In all, 400,000 people leave the Great Plains. |
4 |
1935 |
Congress passes the Social Security Act, giving elder Americans Social Security money for the first time. |
8 |
1939 |
Hollywood releases The Wizard of Oz, one of the first films to be made in color. |
12 |
1943 |
Japanese Americans are relocated to internment camps; Almost 400,000 coal miners go on strike; Race riots break out in Los Angeles and Detroit. |
13 |
1944 |
On June 6, Allied forces invade Normandy (referred to as "D-Day") |
14 |
1945 |
President Roosevelt dies; The United Nations is established; the first atomic bomb is dropped on Hiroshima. |
Age | Date | Event |
7 |
1938 |
Hitler annexes Anschluss into Germany. At the Munich Conference, Germany is given a portion of Czechoslovakia. |
8 |
1939 |
Hitler takes over all of Czechoslovakia. On Sept. 1st, Germany invades Poland. On Sept. 3rd, Great Britain and France declare war on Germany. World War II has begun. |
14 |
1945 |
World War II ends with a Japanese delegation signing instrument of surrender aboard battleship Missouri in Tokyo Bay. |
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 | Josie Bozeman Born on December 19, 1927 and died on September 1, 2002. They were married 4/7/1951.
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The Children of J. Vann Kent
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