Genealogy for
John Airs / Ayers
| Parents | |
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About John Airs / Ayers |
 John Airs / Ayers 10/7/1721 - 3/7/1776
| John Airs / Ayers was born on October 7, 1721 somewhere in North Carolina and died on March 7, 1776 in Tyrrell County, North Carolina. Actual date of birth is unknown. He lived to be about 54 years old.
He married Martha (Unknown), and their children were: David John Ann Sarah Mary Elisabeth Isabel Hannah Isaac
Also spelled Ears, Eyers, Ayrs | 
 | Other | 5/29/1757 | DC | 35 yrs old | Letter from George Washington To ROBERT DINWIDDIE - Fort Loudoun, May 29, 1757.
Hon'ble Sir: Mr. Atkins delay is productive of numberless ill consequences. I am teased incessantly by the Indians to know when he will come; and have put them off so long, that their patience is quite exhausted; and several of them are going off without waiting his arrival. Among these are three who I must beg leave to recommend to your Honors particular notice. The first is Capt. Aires, about Hixayoura; a Cuttawba: He was the Indian that took the Scalp which King Hiegler brought to your Honor; and shewed a great desire to encourage his Brethren to go to war again, and did go himself with Capt. Bullen. The next is Captain Tom, the Chief of the Nottoways: He has received less, and deserves more than any of them; as he used great pains to bring the Tusks, and has met with no reward for it, although he was promised one. 16 And the last is a young Cuttawba fellow, who made his escape with Sergeant Feint, after having killed and scalped two of the enemy just by their own Town: The scalps he has with him. I am, etc. |
 | Other | 9/12/1772 | Mount Vernon VA | 50 yrs old | Letter from Hugh Stephenson - bond payment to George Washington Sept 12th 1772
I received yours of 2d of June and am a very sorry I Mist Seeing of you as I Went to Col. Samuel Washington’s in order to weight upon a talked about this Matter on Thursday Morning
and Mist of you I should have Come to Mr. Warner Washington to you but Meeting with Mr. John Aris Who told Me you was Left the Country and as I had Not the Money it was useless to follow you and through the bad management of My people when I was over the Mountains Last fall have had all My Tobacco Refused which I thought to have Made you a payment out of and as I must Ac-Knowledge you have Ever been a friend to the family and have Indulged us very Much and I hope as you have Indulged us So Long you Still will for bare a Little Longer and My Mother and My Self will Make you all the payment we Can by the first of October there was 40 Bushels Seed wheat that was Delivered to Edward Vilot to see which Mr. Washington promised to give Credit on the bond for that is Not done when William Crawford Coms down he will pay you part of the Bond and My Mother and Self will Make you up all we Can against that time and you May depend on the hole by the first of March
... I am dear Sir your Most Hubble Servant ... HUGH STEPHENSON
 | Other | 3/7/1777 | NC (Tyrrell County) | 1 yrs after death | Tyrrell County
Book 1, page 100
Dated 7 March 1777
In the name of God amen: I, JOHN AIRS of Tyrril County in the Province of North Carolina being sick and weake of body but of perfect and sound mind and memory, thanks be to Almighty for it but calling to mind and memory the uncertainty of death and knowing that it is appointed unto all men once to die desire to make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following First and principally I recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it me nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection at the death and passion of my blessed Saviour Jesus Christ to have full and free pardon of all my sins, and my body I recommend to the Earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executors hereafter mentioned and as touching such worldly Estate as it hath pleased God to bestow on me in this life, I give demise and bequeath I manner and form following:
Imprimis – My will and desire is that all my just debts and funeral expenses be paid.
Item – I lend unto my beloved wife Martha Airs during of her widowhood the use and occupation of the one third part of my manner plantation and land thereunto belonging and the use of my dwelling house and orchard and still, togeather with the use of all my house goods and utensels there to, dureing her widowhood or her natural life –
Item – I give and bequeath to my well beloved son DAVID ARES one shilling lawfull money as a debar against any other part of my Estate –
Item – I give and bequeath to my son JOHN AIRS one shilling lawfull money as a bar against any other part of Estate ---
Item – I give and bequeath fo my daughter ANN ROGERS one shilling lawful money as a bar against any other part of my Estate ---
Item – I give and bequeath unto my daughter SARAH ROGERS one shilling lawful money as a bar against any other part of my Estate.
Item – I give and bequeath to my daughter MARY EPPORSON one shilling lawful money as a bar against any other part of my Estate.
Item – I give and bequeath to my daughter ELISABETH CRAFT one shilling lawful money as a bar against any other part of my Estate.
Item – I give and bequeath unto my daughter ISABEL ROGERS one shilling lawfull money as a bar against any other part of my Estate.
Item – I give and bequeath unto my daughter HANNAH CLAGHON one cow and calf as a bar against any other part of my Estate.
Item – I give and bequeath unto my well beloved son ISAAC AIRS three hundred fifty acres of land lying in Currtuck County known by the Fresh Pond to him and his assigns forever likewise I give and bequeath to my son ISAAC AIRS my manner plantation whereon I now live lying in Tyrill County and the land belonging thereto known the corse by the olde deed that I had from Thomas Lee to him and his heirs forever not to be leased morgaged nor sold out of the name of AIRS.
Item—My Will and desire is that all the rest of my stock and stocks not before mentioned my wife MARTHA AIRS may have the use of during her widowhood or natural life and afterwards at her marriage or death to be given up unto my son ISAAC AIRS with all their increase to him and his heirs and assigns forever.
Lastly – I constitute nominate and appoint my son ISAAC AIRS and JOHN JORDAN executors of this my Last Will and Testament revoking all other Will or Wills by me heretofore made ratifying and confirming this only to be my last Will and Testament In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and fixt my seal this 7th day of March 1776 –
JOHN (his –x- mark)AIRS (seal)
Signed Sealed Publishd
And Pronounced by the said
JOHN AIRS to be his last Will and
Testament in the presence of us
**(torn out) Jordan
**(torn out) Gorllon
**(torn out) Johnston Jurat
 | Other | 1/1/1782 | SC | 6 yrs after death | Catawba Indian Agent Hutchison wrote: "A number of the Indians had it in view to go and live among the Cherokees, who had offered them land, and proposed to aid them in building houses, but the aged among them were averse to removal....At the time I am speaking of these men (General Scott, General Ayers, and General Harris) were old, and would not consent to remove." |

- About
- Discoveries
- News Headlines
- North Carolina News
- U.S. Events
- World Events
Click on any of the News, Events, or Discoveries buttons above to see historical things that happened during
John Airs / Ayers's life. These are only some of the major events that affected the life and times of
John, his family, and friends. For example, John is 9 years old when Map of US Colonies
Age | Date | Event |
31 |
1752 |
Great Britain adopts the Gregorian calendar on 9/14/1752. |
48 |
1769 |
The first steam engine is invented by Watt |
Age | Date | Event |
28 |
1749 |
Laws in GA prohibiting the importation of slaves are rescinded. Georgia planters were hiring SC slaves for life and even openly purchasing slaves at the dock in Savannah. |
54 |
1775 |
NEWS HEADLINES: On April 18th, Paul Revere makes his famous ride proclaiming "The British are Coming" and the American Revolution War begins. Britain hires 29,000 German mercenaries to handle conflict in North America. |
55 |
1776 |
NEWS HEADLINES: July 4th, American Revolution War ends and the United States of America is officially created. |
Age | Date | Event |
46 |
1767 |
Tryon Palace is build in New Bern, NC, and becomes the capitol building for the North Carolina colonist. |
Age | Date | Event |
9 |
1730 |
Map of US Colonies |
11 |
1732 |
James Oglethorpe establishes the Georgia Colony in the new world. The new settlers form friendships with the Creek Indian Nation towns in this area. Georgia is the thirteen English colony to be settled. |
26 |
1747 |
The New York Bar Association is founded in New York City |
29 |
1750 |
Charleston, SC, has become the most affluent and largest city in the South. It is the leading port and trading center for the southern colonies. The population in the Carolinas has exceeded 100,000 with many French Protestant Huguenots. The wealth plantation owners bring private tutors from Ireland and Scotland. Public education does not exist. |
39 |
1760 |
The Cherokee War (1760-61) ends in a treaty that opens the Up County for settlement. The Bounty At of 1761 offers public land tax free for ten years, and settlers from other colonies begin pouring into the Carolina "Up Country". |
42 |
1763 |
Georgia Gazette begins publication. It is the first newspaper in Georgia and the eighth newspaper in the English colonies. |
45 |
1766 |
Britain passes the Stamp Act taxing all colonial newspapers, advertisements, leases, licenses, pamphlets, and legal documents. Later the same year, Britain repeals the Stamp Act in Britain -- but it continues to be enforced on colonists in North America |
52 |
1773 |
Angered by the tea tax of 1767 and the British East India Company's monopoly on tea trade, the independent New England colonial merchants dump the precious cargo overboard into the Boston harbor. This incident is called the Boston Tea Party. |
53 |
1774 |
The First Continental Congress of fifty-five representatives (except from the colony of Georgia) meets in Philadelphia to discuss relations with Britain, the possibility of independence, and the hope of a peaceful solution. King George III scorns the thought of reconciliation and declares the colonies to be in a state of open rebellion. |
54 |
1775 |
On April 18th, Paul Revere makes his famous ride proclaiming "The British are Coming" and the American Revolution War begins. Britain hires 29,000 German mercenaries to handle conflict in North America. |
55 |
1776 |
July 4th, American Revolution War ends and the United States of America is officially created. |
Age | Date | Event |
17 |
1738 |
System of forced labor to build roads in France is devised by Jean Orry |
22 |
1743 |
King George's War against North America and Caribbean begins |
27 |
1748 |
King George's War against North America and Caribbean ends |
35 |
1756 |
Seven Year's War begins |
38 |
1759 |
Jesuits are forced out of France |
42 |
1763 |
Seven Year's War ends; Peace is established in Paris between France, Spain, England and Portugal |
43 |
1764 |
Britain passes the Sugar Act forbids American importation of foreign rum and taxing imported molasses, wine, silk, coffee, and a number of other luxury items. |
46 |
1767 |
Jesuits are forced out of Spanish America |
| |
The Children of John Airs / Ayers

John Ayers Born somewhere in South Carolina about 1763 and died somewhere in South Carolina on October 20, 1823. He was about 60 years old.
The Catawba Indians of upper South Carolina began adopting English names in the 1750's and their leaders adopted military titles of 'General', 'Colonel', 'Captain', etc. during the French and Indian W...