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This Split Complementary color scheme provides high impact and is easy to read. These are key components to all good web designs.

By using the analogous colors (a "cool" blue and green) on opposite sides of the screen, the viewer will see the page title first (a deep, "warm" red) and then look at both sides.

However, imagine the impact if the Red and Blue, or Red and Green, had been used on opposite sides of the screen!

What if you wanted the title to be linked visually with the left side of the screen? Use the "cool" analogous blue and green colors for these two elements in order to "tie them together" visually. That would put our poor dolphin on a red background.....not a visually appealing result. However, a little splash of blue or green under the dolphin and he will vibrate right off the screen (a neat little trick of complementary colors). Take a look and see if you agree.

This design uses the following colors:

#009966 Design Border, Left
#006699 Design Border, Right
#333366 Previous Button (darker blue)
#00FF99 Next Button (lighter, green)
#990000 Page Title, Colored Text
#999999 Gray (Neutral) Dolphin

(Continued on next page)

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