Triads have been used in this example. However, different from the previous triad example this color scheme uses high contrast (dark) colors for the cyan, magenta, and yellow.
White and light gray (both neutral colors) have been used for the page text. These neutral colors allow the text to stand out without cluttering the page with too much color.
The page title was created using three shades of magenta (see below). The brightest is two shades lighter than the background and border. An off-set drop shadow is one shade darker and provides additional separation between the background and title colors.
The Previous and Next buttons are using a lighter version of the background color. Text must always be a different contrast value (lighter or darker) in order to be easily read.
While this color combination might not be your first choice (or even your last!), hopefully it has helped to demonstrate contrast values and neutrals. Another triad example is shown on the last page.
This design uses the following colors:
| Design Border |
| Page Title (lightest) |
| Page Title (same contrast value as background) |
| Page Title (darker shadow) |
| Background |
| Next and Previous Buttons |
| Gray (Neutral) Dolphin |
| Gray (Neutral) Text |
| White, a neutral color, for the Colored Text |