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Jane  Lothrop 



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Jane Lothrop
1614 - 1659
Jane Lothrop was born about 1614 in an unknown place overseas in ENGLAND and died about 1659 in an unknown place. Dates for birth and death are estimated. She lived to be about 45 years old.

She sailed to the New World in 1634 on the shipped named Griffen.
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Click on any of the News, Events, or Discoveries buttons above to see historical things that happened during Jane Lothrop's life. These are only some of the major events that affected the life and times of Jane, her family, and friends. For example, Jane is 5 years old when The first slaves are transported to America
5 1619 The first slaves are transported to America
6 1620 Massachusetts is established on November 9th, when the Mayflower lands at Plymouth Rock (Cape Cod, Massachusetts) with 101 colonists. Squanto, a Native American captured and taken to Britain several years earlier, travels with them and teaches them how to live off the land. On Nov. 11th, the Mayflower Compact is signed by 41 men and establishes the first form of local government.
7 1621 First treaty between colonists and Native Americans is signed by the Plymouth colonist and the Wampanoag. Squanto acts as a translator.
8 1622 Jamestown has spread and settlements now line both banks of the James River from Hampton Roads to the present site of Richmond.
10 1624 New York is established when thirty families of Dutch colonists arrive. Two years later Peter Minuit, one of the colonists, buys Manhattan Island from the Native Americans and names it New Amsterdam.
16 1630 In March, Boston is established when John Winthrop leads 900 Puritans to establish a colony in Massachusetts Bay. He becomes the first governor.
20 1634 Maryland is established as 200 settlers, many of them Catholic, arrive in the lands granted to Roman Catholic Lord Baltimore.
22 1636 In June, Providence and Rhode Island are founded by Roger Williams, after he is banished for new and dangerous opinions.
28 1642 England's Civil Wars begin
33 1647 The Society of Friends founded. Later this group becomes known as Quakers.
34 1648 King Charles I of England is executed
37 1651 England's Civil Wars end

Samuel Fuller
Born about 1608 and died about 1683
Click for more information about Samuel Fuller.

The Children of Jane Lothrop

John Fuller
Born somewhere in Massachusetts about 1655 and died somewhere in Massachusetts about 1726. He was about 71 years old.

Click for more information about John Fuller.
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