Genealogy for
John A. Van Pelt
| Parents | |
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About John A. Van Pelt |
 John A. Van Pelt 1775 - 1/16/1838
| John A. Van Pelt was born about 1775 in Pitt Co., North Carolina and died on January 16, 1838 in Jackson Co., Florida. Actual date of birth is unknown. He lived to be about 63 years old.
John married Louise Wingate. They had the following children:
- Jonathan A. Van Pelt (1815) he married Amanda Dykes on 1/9/1868,
- Martha Eliabeth Van Pelt Fernadez (3/21/1817),
- William Seaborn Van Pelt (2/7/1827),
- Durant Van Pelt (1832),
- Alford Van Pelt (6/12/1833),
- Larkin Van Pelt (2/28/1837 -4/1860 Jackson Co. FL Mortality list - Brain Fever). He married Frances George on 4/5/1860),
- Ellenor Van Pelt Bullock (8/26/1838).
His parents were John Van Pelt (1738) & Unknown Trip (abt. 1740). Please visit this website for additional information:
 | Census | 1/1/1810 | NC (Pitt County) | 35 yrs old | page 39 line 18, John Van Pelt is listed with a household containing three males under 5, one male 5-10 ,one male 10-15,one male 20-30 and one female under the age of 5, one female 5-10 one female 15-20 one female 20-30. |
 | Census | 1/1/1820 | Capt Burneys District NC (Pitt County) | 45 yrs old | John Van Pelt is listed with a household containing one male under 5, one male 5-10 ,one male 20-30,one male 40-50 one male 50-60 and three females under the age of 5, one female 20-30 one female 30-40 one female 40-50. |
 | Census | 1/1/1830 | FL (Jackson County) | 55 yrs old | Page 19 - John V. Pelt – one male (40-50)
Additional information about Jackson County, FL around 1830: Jackson County was formed in 1822 from Escambia County. Webbville, it's largest community, was started in the early 1820s and is declared the county seat. Marianna was founded in 1827 along the Chipola River and quickly begins to grow. An excerpt from an Aug. 5, 1828 letter says in the Chipola River area “lands have risen at least 300 percent in price, and are daily advancing – the tide of emigration is flowing in most rapidly, and the country still proves uninterruptedly healthy." Click here to see a map from this timeperiod. | |
 | Land Deed | 4/15/1837 | Tallahassee FL | 62 yrs old | Grants ownership to John Van Pelt to 40.12 acres in the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section Five in township three, north of range nine, etc. |
 | Land Deed | 4/15/1837 | FL (Jackson County) | 62 yrs old | John Van Pelt - 40.12 acres of land. Authoritsed: April 24, 1820: Sale-Cash Entry (3 Stat. 566),Sec. 5, Twp 3N,Medidian: Tallahassee, Document Number: 4599 |

- About
- Florida News
- Discoveries
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Click on any of the News, Events, or Discoveries buttons above to see historical things that happened during
John Van Pelt's life. These are only some of the major events that affected the life and times of
John, his family, and friends. For example, John is 1 years old when July 4th, American Revolution War ends and the United States of America is officially created.
Age | Date | Event |
27 |
1802 |
Georgia formally cedes western claims for its southern boundary at the 31st parallel -- which will become the north western border of FL. |
35 |
1810 |
Western Florida, from the Pearl River to the Mississippi, is annexed by the US from Spain. |
38 |
1813 |
During 1813-14, over 2,000 Muskogee-speaking Creeks move to Florida in response to the Creek Civil War (also known as the Red-sticks War). Most come from AL and GA. |
43 |
1818 |
First Seminole Indian War takes place when Andrew Jackson brings his troops into northern Florida. |
46 |
1821 |
Spain formally cedes Florida to the United States in 1821, according to terms of the Adams-Onís Treaty. Spanish colonists as well as settlers from the newly formed United States begin to pour into the new territory. Prior to this change, Florida was a wilderness sparsely dotted with settlements of native Indians, escaped/freed slaves and Spaniards. |
47 |
1822 |
Florida Territory is purchased |
48 |
1823 |
The Treaty of Moultrie Creek pushes the Seminole Indian towns into the interior of the Florida peninsula. |
49 |
1824 |
Tallahassee is established at the capital of Florida because it is half-way between the two government centers in St. Augustine and Pensacola. The Legislative Council meets in November in a log house erected in the vicinity of today's capitol. |
60 |
1835 |
The Second Seminole Indian War keeps the United States and Seminoles Indians fighting in North & Central Florida. |
62 |
1837 |
NEWS HEADLINES: In October, Chief Osceola of the Seminole Indians is captured when he arrives for supposed truce negotiations at Fort Payton. He is imprisoned at St. Augustine, FL where he refuses to eat and attempts to escape several times. In December he is moved to a prison in SC where he dies on January 20, 1838. At the time of his death, Osceola was the most famous American Indian. |
Age | Date | Event |
2 |
1777 |
The concept of chemical compounds is conceived by Lavoisier |
8 |
1783 |
The hot air balloon is invented by Michel and Montgolfier and the first people in modern history fly at an altitude of 1800 m. |
10 |
1785 |
The power loom was invented by Cartwright to produce cloth. |
18 |
1793 |
The cotton gin was invented by Whitney. |
24 |
1799 |
The Rosetta Stone was discovered |
25 |
1800 |
The first battery was invented by Volta |
32 |
1807 |
The first steamboat was invented by Fulton |
39 |
1814 |
The first locomotive engine was created by Stephenson |
55 |
1830 |
The first railroad is constructed between Liverpool and Manchester, England |
Age | Date | Event |
1 |
1776 |
NEWS HEADLINES: July 4th, American Revolution War ends and the United States of America is officially created. |
25 |
1800 |
NEWS HEADLINES: Seat of U.S. government moves from Philadelphia to Washington DC |
36 |
1811 |
NEWS HEADLINES: Tecumseh's emerging Indian Confederacy is defeated at the Battle of Tippecanoe in Ohio. Afterwards, Tecumseh and his brother travel from their Shawnee homes in the north to recruit and unify the southern Indians. |
37 |
1812 |
NEWS HEADLINES: War of 1812 begins and will continue for until 1814. Some call it the Second War of Independence because the US fights Great Britain to a stalemate, Americas independence was assured. |
53 |
1828 |
Gold is discovered in Georgia. |
59 |
1834 |
July 9 - The S.S. John Randolph, the first successful iron steamship, is launched in Savannah |
Age | Date | Event |
14 |
1789 |
The capitol of North Carolina moves from New Bern to Raleigh and North Carolina becomes the 12th state of the United States of America. |
55 |
1830 |
The U.S. Government begins forcing Cherokee Indians from their homes in what becomes known as the Trail of Tears. Many Cherokee hide in the mountains of North Carolina and surrounding states. |
Age | Date | Event |
1 |
1776 |
July 4th, American Revolution War ends and the United States of America is officially created. |
3 |
1778 |
Alliance between United States and France |
12 |
1787 |
Constitution of the United States is signed |
18 |
1793 |
Alexander McGillivray, the head of the Creek Indian Nation, dies. A restlessness begins to grow among the Indians in what is now Georgia, Alabama and Northern Florida as town chiefs via for the vacant leadership role. |
19 |
1794 |
The United States establishes the Navy |
23 |
1798 |
Mississippi Territory organized from Georgia's western land claims. It includes what will later become portions of Mississippi, Alabama and Northern Florida, |
28 |
1803 |
Louisiana Purchase from France (who secured it from Spain) gives the US a huge new territory and the port of New Orleans. |
29 |
1804 |
The Seminole warrior later known as Osceola is born near Tuskegee, AL. |
30 |
1805 |
Federal Road project begins after the Creek Indians give the U.S. permission to develop a “horse path” through their nation that will provide better mail delivery between Washington City (DC) and New Orleans. Soon settlers are traveling and settling along this path to settle the southern frontier. |
31 |
1806 |
Lewis and Clark Expedition, which began in 1804, ends. News of the rich lands to the west begins to spread. |
36 |
1811 |
By 1811 the new "Federal Road" (which started as a horse path) is filled with a steady flow of white settlers into Creek Indian Territories. The Spanish begin to fan hostile sentiments among the Indians. |
45 |
1820 |
The Act of April 24, 1820 abolished the land purchase credit system, fixed the price of public lands at $1.25 per acre, and set the minimum purchase at 80 acres. After a person purchased land, a final certificate was issued by the land office and sent to Washington DC to be verified and signed by the President -- a time consuming process. Public lands were most typically available through US treaties with Indians who agreed to be removed from their homelands. |
55 |
1830 |
Indian Removal Act signed and the moving of eastern Indians west of the Mississippi begins. |
60 |
1835 |
Second Seminole Indian War begins. |
62 |
1837 |
The trickery used to capture Seminole Indian Chief Osceola (Assi Yohola) creates a public uproar and U.S. General Jesup is publicly condemned. |
Age | Date | Event |
4 |
1779 |
Spain declares war on England |
5 |
1780 |
Josef II abolishes serfdom in Hungary; England declares war on Holland |
8 |
1783 |
Peace established at Versailles between France, England, Spain and United States; Britain cedes all lands west to the Mississippi River |
12 |
1787 |
Catherine the Great leads Russia into war with Turkey |
13 |
1788 |
Russia begins war with Sweden |
14 |
1789 |
French feudal system is abolished with the Declaration of Rights of Man. Outbreak of hostilities in France with the fall of the Bastille on July 14; Revolution in Austrian Netherlands declares independence as Belgium |
17 |
1792 |
French Revolutionary Wars begin and the French royal family is imprisoned the following year |
18 |
1793 |
Marie Antoinette is executed; Fugitive Slave Act passed; Roman Catholic faith is banned in France; France declares war on Britain and Holland. |
20 |
1795 |
White Terror and bread riots in Paris |
21 |
1796 |
Napoleon marries Josephine de Beauharnais |
22 |
1797 |
Napoleon proclaims the Venetian Constitution, founds Ligurian Republic in Genoa |
58 |
1833 |
Santa Anna is elected President of Mexico |
| |
The Children of John A. Van Pelt

Jonathan Pelt Born in Craven County, North Carolina on October 25, 1815 and died in Jackson County, Florida about 1880. He was about 64 years old.
Jonathan dropped the Van from the family name. He married Mary Barbara Taylor (born 1818). He was the original owner of the land containing the pond known locally as Merritt's Mill Pond and was the ...
 35 years old
William Seaborn Van Pelt Born somewhere in North Carolina on February 7, 1827 and died in Jackson Co., Florida about 1888. He was about 60 years old.
On Jan. 27, 1850 he married Elizabeth Pippins (Sept. 1829) and they had the following children:
- William Seaborn Pelt (7/14/1850)
- John Mason Pelt (1852),