Genealogy for
James Adair
About James Adair |
 James Adair 1748 - 8/18/1818
| James Adair was born about 1748 somewhere in South Carolina and died on August 18, 1818 in Duncan Creek, Laurens County, South Carolina. Actual date of birth is unknown. He lived to be about 70 years old.
His parents were James (1709 Ireland-1796 SC) and Eleanor (1726 -1803 SC)
His children with wife Hannah: Elizabeth married James Palmer
Mary married John Prather
Eleanor “Nelly” married Benjamin Ramage
James Adair, Jr. married Delilah Holland
Hannah married Reuben Meadors
Susannah married William Cassels
Nancy married Willis Langston
Martha married William Gamble
 | Census | 1/1/1800 | SC (Laurens District County) | 52 yrs old | James Adair - 1 Males - Under 10,
1 Males 10-15, 1 Males - 16 thru 26, 1 Male over 45,
2 Females under 10,2 Female - 10 thru 15,
1 Female - 16 thru 24, 1 Female over 45,
Line 15; Roll: 50; Page: 32; Family History Library Film: 181425 |
 | Census | 8/6/1810 | SC (Laurens County) | 62 yrs old | Aug 6,1810, Jas Adair -
Residence Place Laurens, South Carolina,
one Male - (Under 10),
one Male - (26 thru 44),
two Females - (Under 10),
one Female - (26 thru 44) |
 | Land Deed | 8/20/1828 | SC | 10 yrs after death | In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this twentieth day of August ┃ the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & twenty eight Signed Sealed & delivered in presence of Daniel Cook ℗ South Carolina ⎬ Personally came James C. Cook before me and after being sworn on oath Lawrens District ⎬ Saith that he said ( Daniel Cook assign the within deed for the within purport mentioned , and that he saw William Bailey subscribe his name together with himself as a witness . Sworn to before me this 15t day January 1829 . James C. Cook James Young S. S . A true Record of the Orinal 15th January 1829 . John Garlington R. M. C. & I Rabun ⌨ The State of South Carolina . Know all men by these presents that I Beward O. Bexof the City of Charleston in the State aforesaid in consideration of three hundred and forteen Dollars to me paid by James Pime of Lawens District in the State aforesaid , have granted bargained , sold and released , and by these presents do grant bargain sell and release One hundred fifty seven acres of Land , situate in District aforesaid on Branch of Nabarns Creek waters of Cludah 5 Acres and being a part of a Original Grant of 1400 Acres ⎬ 188 ⌨ and hath such shape and marks as State hereunto annexed doth Represent . Together with all Land Allison of and singular the Rights members , Hereditaments and appurtenances to the said premises belonging or in any wise indent or appurtaining ; to have and to hold , all and singular the premises before mentioned , unto the said James Paim his heirs and assigns forever . And I do hereby bind myself my Heirs Executors and administrators , to Warrant , and forever defend , all and singular the said premises , unto the said James Paince his Heirs and assigns , against me and my heirs , and every other person whomsoever lawfully - Claiming or to claim the same , or any part thereof Witness my hand and seal this forth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred seventy two , and in the 46 . year of the Independence of the United States of America Signed Sealed and delivered in presence A. Barksdale Mo . 1 Black Bernard E. Boe by ℗ his attorneys Wm Hunlak State of South Carolina ⎬ Personally appeared before me Allen Parksdale and made oath that Laurens District ⎬ he saw William Dunlap Filly for Bernard E. Be , sign seal and deliver the above conveyances for the uses and purposes therein mentioned , and that he with John Black in the presence of each other , witnessed the due execution thereof , Sworn to before me this 22d day of January 1889 . W. E. Lynch In B. Barksdall A true Record of the Original 22d Jany 1829 . John Garlington R. M . C . State of South Carolina ⎬ Whereas James Adair Sear of the District departed this less on the Lawrens District - ⎬ Month August 1818 . and at the time of his death was possed of a Personal Estate , Consisting of Negroes , horses , cows , hogs Shop Waggon house hold and Cition furni the Corn fodder , Cotton and Various other property not mentioned , all of which he was possedof at the time of his death , and having a Widow Hannah Adire and Seven Children , alsofour Children of Elizabeth Portmore in the wright of their mother , to wit John Prather in the with of his wife Mary Nelly Ramage ( a Widow ) James Adair Reuben Meadows on thought Wife Hannah Wm Capils in the right of his wife Susannah Willis Langston in the right of his Wife Nancy Wm Gamble on the right of his wife Martha - all of which are entitled to distributive shares of the said James Adaire Estate , that is to say hannah the widow of James Adam sed who have one third part of sd Estate after payment of all just debts , and other lawfull expenses that may accrue at the intended sale - and the remainder of sd Estate to be equally divided beliving , the eight children of the sd James Adair - the four children of Elizabeth to have their me there part equally divided between them , Share and Share alike . - " Now for the better distribution and equal division of said Estate We Hannah adjo the wife of James Adair decd John Prather Nelly Rumage , James Adder Reubere Meadows Wm Cassels Willis Langston and Wm Gamble do agree to sell the Estate before described , on a Credit untill the first day of January 1870 and to divide the proceeds thereof as before Dracted . Now Know all men by these presents that We Hannah Adair , John Prother , Nelly Ramage , and James Adairo our Reuben Meaders , William Cassels , Willis Langston and William Gamble , am held and firmly bound unto each other on the following sum that is Hannah Adan in the sum of Three thousand ( Dollars John Prather in the sum of One thousand five hundred dollars , Nelly Namage in the sum of fifteen hundred dollars , James Adair in the sum of Fifteen hundred dollars Reuben █ Meadors in the sum of Fifteen hundred dollars William Cupets in the sum of fifteen dollars , Will ┃ Langston in the sum of fifteen hundred dollars , and William Gamble in the sum of fifteen ┃ Hundred Dollars , to which payment well and truly to be made and down we bind ourselves our heirs Executors , administrators , and assigns , firmly by these presents in witness whereof we have set our hands and Seals this twenty sixth of October 1818 . Now the Condition of the above oblegation is such that if we Hannah Adair John Prother Nelly Ramage James Adair , Reuben Meadows , Cassels , and Willis Langston and William Gamble , Stand to keep and perform the foregoing tract by selling the fore mentioned Estate , and Credits untill the first day of January 1820 . after - giving legal notice of the intended sale , and to give a Bill of Sale to such persons as may purchaseat the intended sale , then after payment all just debts up of sd Estate as will as expences that may █ accrue thereon , and the proceeds to be disated according & regoing agreement . then the above legation to be void or else to remain in full force and virtue . Witness our hands and seals this say above written William Cassels ℗ Hannah Adair ℗ Simon Reder Willis Lawton ℗ John Pratean ℗ John L. Abell William Gamb Elenor Ramage James Adams Reuben Madory ⎬ |

- About
- Discoveries
- News Headlines
- South Carolina News
- U.S. Events
- World Events
Click on any of the News, Events, or Discoveries buttons above to see historical things that happened during
James Adair's life. These are only some of the major events that affected the life and times of
James, his family, and friends. For example, James is 2 years old when Charleston, SC, has become the most affluent and largest city in the South. It is the leading port and trading center for the southern colonies. The population in the Carolinas has exceeded 100,000 with many French Protestant Huguenots. The wealth plantation owners bring private tutors from Ireland and Scotland. Public education does not exist.
Age | Date | Event |
4 |
1752 |
Great Britain adopts the Gregorian calendar on 9/14/1752. |
21 |
1769 |
The first steam engine is invented by Watt |
29 |
1777 |
The concept of chemical compounds is conceived by Lavoisier |
35 |
1783 |
The hot air balloon is invented by Michel and Montgolfier and the first people in modern history fly at an altitude of 1800 m. |
37 |
1785 |
The power loom was invented by Cartwright to produce cloth. |
45 |
1793 |
The cotton gin was invented by Whitney. |
51 |
1799 |
The Rosetta Stone was discovered |
52 |
1800 |
The first battery was invented by Volta |
59 |
1807 |
The first steamboat was invented by Fulton |
66 |
1814 |
The first locomotive engine was created by Stephenson |
Age | Date | Event |
1 |
1749 |
Laws in GA prohibiting the importation of slaves are rescinded. Georgia planters were hiring SC slaves for life and even openly purchasing slaves at the dock in Savannah. |
27 |
1775 |
NEWS HEADLINES: On April 18th, Paul Revere makes his famous ride proclaiming "The British are Coming" and the American Revolution War begins. Britain hires 29,000 German mercenaries to handle conflict in North America. |
28 |
1776 |
NEWS HEADLINES: July 4th, American Revolution War ends and the United States of America is officially created. |
52 |
1800 |
NEWS HEADLINES: Seat of U.S. government moves from Philadelphia to Washington DC |
63 |
1811 |
NEWS HEADLINES: Tecumseh's emerging Indian Confederacy is defeated at the Battle of Tippecanoe in Ohio. Afterwards, Tecumseh and his brother travel from their Shawnee homes in the north to recruit and unify the southern Indians. |
64 |
1812 |
NEWS HEADLINES: War of 1812 begins and will continue for until 1814. Some call it the Second War of Independence because the US fights Great Britain to a stalemate, Americas independence was assured. |
Age | Date | Event |
7 |
1755 |
Joseph Salvador purchases land near Fort Ninety Six for Jewish settlement. |
34 |
1782 |
During 1782-1783, land to the south and west of the Tugaloo and Savannah Rivers are ceded by the Cherokee and Creek. |
35 |
1783 |
Charles Town is officially renamed Charleston, SC. |
40 |
1788 |
South Carolina joins the United States of America. State government is moved from Charleston to Columbia two years later. |
Age | Date | Event |
2 |
1750 |
Charleston, SC, has become the most affluent and largest city in the South. It is the leading port and trading center for the southern colonies. The population in the Carolinas has exceeded 100,000 with many French Protestant Huguenots. The wealth plantation owners bring private tutors from Ireland and Scotland. Public education does not exist. |
12 |
1760 |
The Cherokee War (1760-61) ends in a treaty that opens the Up County for settlement. The Bounty At of 1761 offers public land tax free for ten years, and settlers from other colonies begin pouring into the Carolina "Up Country". |
15 |
1763 |
Georgia Gazette begins publication. It is the first newspaper in Georgia and the eighth newspaper in the English colonies. |
18 |
1766 |
Britain passes the Stamp Act taxing all colonial newspapers, advertisements, leases, licenses, pamphlets, and legal documents. Later the same year, Britain repeals the Stamp Act in Britain -- but it continues to be enforced on colonists in North America |
25 |
1773 |
Angered by the tea tax of 1767 and the British East India Company's monopoly on tea trade, the independent New England colonial merchants dump the precious cargo overboard into the Boston harbor. This incident is called the Boston Tea Party. |
26 |
1774 |
The First Continental Congress of fifty-five representatives (except from the colony of Georgia) meets in Philadelphia to discuss relations with Britain, the possibility of independence, and the hope of a peaceful solution. King George III scorns the thought of reconciliation and declares the colonies to be in a state of open rebellion. |
27 |
1775 |
On April 18th, Paul Revere makes his famous ride proclaiming "The British are Coming" and the American Revolution War begins. Britain hires 29,000 German mercenaries to handle conflict in North America. |
28 |
1776 |
July 4th, American Revolution War ends and the United States of America is officially created. |
30 |
1778 |
Alliance between United States and France |
39 |
1787 |
Constitution of the United States is signed |
45 |
1793 |
Alexander McGillivray, the head of the Creek Indian Nation, dies. A restlessness begins to grow among the Indians in what is now Georgia, Alabama and Northern Florida as town chiefs via for the vacant leadership role. |
46 |
1794 |
The United States establishes the Navy |
50 |
1798 |
Mississippi Territory organized from Georgia's western land claims. It includes what will later become portions of Mississippi, Alabama and Northern Florida, |
55 |
1803 |
Louisiana Purchase from France (who secured it from Spain) gives the US a huge new territory and the port of New Orleans. |
56 |
1804 |
The Seminole warrior later known as Osceola is born near Tuskegee, AL. |
57 |
1805 |
Federal Road project begins after the Creek Indians give the U.S. permission to develop a “horse path” through their nation that will provide better mail delivery between Washington City (DC) and New Orleans. Soon settlers are traveling and settling along this path to settle the southern frontier. |
58 |
1806 |
Lewis and Clark Expedition, which began in 1804, ends. News of the rich lands to the west begins to spread. |
63 |
1811 |
By 1811 the new "Federal Road" (which started as a horse path) is filled with a steady flow of white settlers into Creek Indian Territories. The Spanish begin to fan hostile sentiments among the Indians. |
Age | Date | Event |
8 |
1756 |
Seven Year's War begins |
11 |
1759 |
Jesuits are forced out of France |
15 |
1763 |
Seven Year's War ends; Peace is established in Paris between France, Spain, England and Portugal |
16 |
1764 |
Britain passes the Sugar Act forbids American importation of foreign rum and taxing imported molasses, wine, silk, coffee, and a number of other luxury items. |
19 |
1767 |
Jesuits are forced out of Spanish America |
31 |
1779 |
Spain declares war on England |
32 |
1780 |
Josef II abolishes serfdom in Hungary; England declares war on Holland |
35 |
1783 |
Peace established at Versailles between France, England, Spain and United States; Britain cedes all lands west to the Mississippi River |
39 |
1787 |
Catherine the Great leads Russia into war with Turkey |
40 |
1788 |
Russia begins war with Sweden |
41 |
1789 |
French feudal system is abolished with the Declaration of Rights of Man. Outbreak of hostilities in France with the fall of the Bastille on July 14; Revolution in Austrian Netherlands declares independence as Belgium |
44 |
1792 |
French Revolutionary Wars begin and the French royal family is imprisoned the following year |
45 |
1793 |
Marie Antoinette is executed; Fugitive Slave Act passed; Roman Catholic faith is banned in France; France declares war on Britain and Holland. |
47 |
1795 |
White Terror and bread riots in Paris |
48 |
1796 |
Napoleon marries Josephine de Beauharnais |
49 |
1797 |
Napoleon proclaims the Venetian Constitution, founds Ligurian Republic in Genoa |
| |
 | Hannah Montgomery Born on September 28, 1750 and died on November 10, 1826
|  |
The Children of James Adair

Elizabeth Adair Born in Laurens County, South Carolina about 1780 and died in Laurens County, South Carolina about 1818. She was about 38 years old.