Genealogy for
Benjamin Manning
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About Benjamin Manning |
 Benjamin Manning 1732 - 11/13/1784
| Benjamin Manning was born about 1732 somewhere in Virginia and died on November 13, 1784 in Beritie Co., North Carolina. Actual date of birth is unknown. He lived to be about 52 years old.
He was the son of John and Mary Rowes Manning.
Benjamin married Pheraby Duggan Manning (abt.1742 Bertie co., NC.- abt.1793 Washington Co. GA)
Pheraby was the daughter of William and Mary Smithwick Duggan.
Thier children are: Hillary 1758 NC - 1808 NC - married Sarah Lewis) Pricilla abt.1763 - 1790 married John Bentley)
Mary (1766) John (abt. 1764 - abt.1815) Luke (abt.1767 NC - abt.1800 NC - married Sarah Lawrence) Benjamin (abt.1768-1830 - married Charity Gray) Elizabeth (abt.1780-7/18/1841) Chloe (abt. 1769 - married Samuel Garrett) Nancy (4/10/1783NC-6/15/1842 GA) Elijah (abt.1785 NC-1830 - married Sophia Watkins) | 
 | Other | 11/30/1784 | NC (Bertie County) | 52 yrs old | Benjamin Manning
Bertie County, NC, November 30, 1784
In the name of God Amenthis thirtieth day of November one thousand seven hundred and eighty four I Benjamin Manning of Bertie County and state of North Carolina being very sick and weak of body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given to God therefore calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my last will and testament, that is to say principally and first of all I give and commend my soul into the hands of God that give it and my body I commend to the earth to be buried in a decent and Christian like manner at the direction of my executor and as for my worldly estate wherewith it please God to bless me, I give devise and dispose of in the following manner and form Viz,
I giveand bequeath to my beloved wife Phereby Manning one feather bed and furniture one cow and calf and one gray mare with poney and saddle
I giveto my son Hilery Manning all my wearable clothes and I give to my daughter Pricilla Bentley five pounds specie to be paid out of my estate by my executors and I give to my daughter Mary Aires thirty five pounds to be paid as aforesaid and I give and bequeath to my son Benjamin Manning a parcel of land lying in Martin County on Gardener's Creek it being the land I bought of Edmund Smithwick to him and his heirs I also give to my son Benjamin two heifers that are called his and one gun
ItemI give to my two sons Luke and John Manning my land whereon I now live the part that I had by my father to Luke and I bought of Burnam to John to them & their heirs
Item I give to my son Luke one cow and one heifer that are called his and one young bay mare
I give to my son John Manning one cow & calf that are called his and one feather bed & furniture
ItemI give to my beloved wife Phereby Manning the lower part of the ridge that my house stands on, that is to say a straight line from the branch betwixt that ridge and the ridge I bought of Burnam to the great swamp north to Hairs [?] field so as to take the house into her part. I also bind to my wife afores'd the that part of the ridge I had of Burnam which I have given to my son John, that is next to the landing as far as near to the houses that are on that ridge so as to leave the houses on the other part During her widowhood and no longer and as to the rest of my estate of every kind whatsoever or that is not already mentioned I give it to my four children Chloe Manning, Elizabeth Manning, Elijah Manning and Nancy Manning to be equally divided among them; although my will is that my wife Phereby Manning keep the same in her possession during her widowhood or until the children come of age; to possess the same and thereby I constitute and appoint my beloved wife Phereby Manning Executrix and John Bentley
And my son Benjamin Manning Executors to this my last will & testament signed sealed published pronounced and delivered by the sd Benjamin Manning as his last will & testament the day and date abovesaid in the presents of
John Hyman
William Duggan
[illegible] Hardison
 | Census | 1/1/1790 | NC (Edgecombe County) | 6 yrs after death | page 14 line 4 - Benjamin Manning - one male and two females.
Additional information about Edgecombe County, NC around 1790: Officially formed as a precinct within Albemarle County in the spring of 1733, the original boundaries of the Edgecombe encompassed 17 of our modern counties. By 1740, it was receiving most of the new immigrants. By 1741 it was declared a County. In 1744 Lord Halifax purchased a large area and began constructing the town of Halifax. By 1752 it was the scene of hustling traders and merchants. The county was also becoming known for its tobacco and cattle. In the late 1750s Halifax and Dobbs counties were carved out of the original Edgecombe area separating it from Halifax, which had by now become the social and political center. The town of Tarborough is formed and becomes the center of trade in Edgecombe. The County had very few paupers because the soils were rich and provided a livelihood and ability to accumulate wealth. By 1790, the county had 1,260 heads of households and only 481 of these own slaves. Only 27 families owned twenty or more slaves. | |

- About
- Discoveries
- News Headlines
- North Carolina News
- U.S. Events
- World Events
Click on any of the News, Events, or Discoveries buttons above to see historical things that happened during
Benjamin Manning's life. These are only some of the major events that affected the life and times of
Benjamin, his family, and friends. For example, Benjamin is 15 years old when The New York Bar Association is founded in New York City
Age | Date | Event |
20 |
1752 |
Great Britain adopts the Gregorian calendar on 9/14/1752. |
37 |
1769 |
The first steam engine is invented by Watt |
45 |
1777 |
The concept of chemical compounds is conceived by Lavoisier |
51 |
1783 |
The hot air balloon is invented by Michel and Montgolfier and the first people in modern history fly at an altitude of 1800 m. |
Age | Date | Event |
17 |
1749 |
Laws in GA prohibiting the importation of slaves are rescinded. Georgia planters were hiring SC slaves for life and even openly purchasing slaves at the dock in Savannah. |
43 |
1775 |
NEWS HEADLINES: On April 18th, Paul Revere makes his famous ride proclaiming "The British are Coming" and the American Revolution War begins. Britain hires 29,000 German mercenaries to handle conflict in North America. |
44 |
1776 |
NEWS HEADLINES: July 4th, American Revolution War ends and the United States of America is officially created. |
Age | Date | Event |
35 |
1767 |
Tryon Palace is build in New Bern, NC, and becomes the capitol building for the North Carolina colonist. |
Age | Date | Event |
15 |
1747 |
The New York Bar Association is founded in New York City |
18 |
1750 |
Charleston, SC, has become the most affluent and largest city in the South. It is the leading port and trading center for the southern colonies. The population in the Carolinas has exceeded 100,000 with many French Protestant Huguenots. The wealth plantation owners bring private tutors from Ireland and Scotland. Public education does not exist. |
28 |
1760 |
The Cherokee War (1760-61) ends in a treaty that opens the Up County for settlement. The Bounty At of 1761 offers public land tax free for ten years, and settlers from other colonies begin pouring into the Carolina "Up Country". |
31 |
1763 |
Georgia Gazette begins publication. It is the first newspaper in Georgia and the eighth newspaper in the English colonies. |
34 |
1766 |
Britain passes the Stamp Act taxing all colonial newspapers, advertisements, leases, licenses, pamphlets, and legal documents. Later the same year, Britain repeals the Stamp Act in Britain -- but it continues to be enforced on colonists in North America |
41 |
1773 |
Angered by the tea tax of 1767 and the British East India Company's monopoly on tea trade, the independent New England colonial merchants dump the precious cargo overboard into the Boston harbor. This incident is called the Boston Tea Party. |
42 |
1774 |
The First Continental Congress of fifty-five representatives (except from the colony of Georgia) meets in Philadelphia to discuss relations with Britain, the possibility of independence, and the hope of a peaceful solution. King George III scorns the thought of reconciliation and declares the colonies to be in a state of open rebellion. |
43 |
1775 |
On April 18th, Paul Revere makes his famous ride proclaiming "The British are Coming" and the American Revolution War begins. Britain hires 29,000 German mercenaries to handle conflict in North America. |
44 |
1776 |
July 4th, American Revolution War ends and the United States of America is officially created. |
46 |
1778 |
Alliance between United States and France |
Age | Date | Event |
6 |
1738 |
System of forced labor to build roads in France is devised by Jean Orry |
11 |
1743 |
King George's War against North America and Caribbean begins |
16 |
1748 |
King George's War against North America and Caribbean ends |
24 |
1756 |
Seven Year's War begins |
27 |
1759 |
Jesuits are forced out of France |
31 |
1763 |
Seven Year's War ends; Peace is established in Paris between France, Spain, England and Portugal |
32 |
1764 |
Britain passes the Sugar Act forbids American importation of foreign rum and taxing imported molasses, wine, silk, coffee, and a number of other luxury items. |
35 |
1767 |
Jesuits are forced out of Spanish America |
47 |
1779 |
Spain declares war on England |
48 |
1780 |
Josef II abolishes serfdom in Hungary; England declares war on Holland |
51 |
1783 |
Peace established at Versailles between France, England, Spain and United States; Britain cedes all lands west to the Mississippi River |
| |
The Children of Benjamin Manning

Mary Manning Born in Bertie Co., North Carolina about 1766 and died somewhere in Georgia about 1850. She was about 84 years old.
She was the daughter of Benjamin Manning 1732 VA - 11/13/1784 Beritie Co. SC)and Pheraby Duggan Manning (abt.1742 Bertie co., NC.- abt.1793 Washington Co. GA
Mary married John Ayers on Ju...