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Samuel  Rowley 



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Samuel Rowley
1688 - 1767
Samuel Rowley was born about 1688 somewhere in Massachusetts and died about 1767 somewhere in Massachusetts. Dates for birth and death are estimated. He lived to be about 79 years old.

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Click on any of the News, Events, or Discoveries buttons above to see historical things that happened during Samuel Rowley's life. These are only some of the major events that affected the life and times of Samuel, his family, and friends. For example, Samuel is 12 years old when By the early 1700's, Virginia and Maryland have established a strong economic and social structure. The planters of the tidewater region, with abundant slave labor, have large houses, an aristocratic way of life, and a desire to follow the art and culture of Europe. Less wealthy German and Scots-Irish immigrants settle inland, populating the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia as well as the Appalachian Mountains. Those on the frontier build small cabins and cultivate corn and wheat.
64 1752 Great Britain adopts the Gregorian calendar on 9/14/1752.
61 1749 Laws in GA prohibiting the importation of slaves are rescinded. Georgia planters were hiring SC slaves for life and even openly purchasing slaves at the dock in Savannah.
4 1692 The first witchcraft trials occur in Salem, Massachusetts
12 1700 By the early 1700's, Virginia and Maryland have established a strong economic and social structure. The planters of the tidewater region, with abundant slave labor, have large houses, an aristocratic way of life, and a desire to follow the art and culture of Europe. Less wealthy German and Scots-Irish immigrants settle inland, populating the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia as well as the Appalachian Mountains. Those on the frontier build small cabins and cultivate corn and wheat.
32 1720 The population of American colonists reaches 475,000. Boston (pop. 12,000) is the largest city, followed by Philadelphia (pop. 10,000) and New York (pop. 7000)
42 1730 Map of US Colonies
44 1732 James Oglethorpe establishes the Georgia Colony in the new world. The new settlers form friendships with the Creek Indian Nation towns in this area. Georgia is the thirteen English colony to be settled.
59 1747 The New York Bar Association is founded in New York City
62 1750 Charleston, SC, has become the most affluent and largest city in the South. It is the leading port and trading center for the southern colonies. The population in the Carolinas has exceeded 100,000 with many French Protestant Huguenots. The wealth plantation owners bring private tutors from Ireland and Scotland. Public education does not exist.
72 1760 The Cherokee War (1760-61) ends in a treaty that opens the Up County for settlement. The Bounty At of 1761 offers public land tax free for ten years, and settlers from other colonies begin pouring into the Carolina "Up Country".
75 1763 Georgia Gazette begins publication. It is the first newspaper in Georgia and the eighth newspaper in the English colonies.
78 1766 Britain passes the Stamp Act taxing all colonial newspapers, advertisements, leases, licenses, pamphlets, and legal documents. Later the same year, Britain repeals the Stamp Act in Britain -- but it continues to be enforced on colonists in North America
1 1689 England's Bill of Rights created. European Nine Year's War begin and grows into a world-wide event. It ends in 1697.
2 1690 Ireland's Battle of Boyne
5 1693 National debt begins in England
10 1698 Tsar Peter the Great begins traveling Europe
13 1701 England's Act of Settlement created; War of Spanish Succession begins
19 1707 Scotland and England unite to form "Great Britain"
27 1715 War of Spanish Succession ends
50 1738 System of forced labor to build roads in France is devised by Jean Orry
55 1743 King George's War against North America and Caribbean begins
60 1748 King George's War against North America and Caribbean ends
68 1756 Seven Year's War begins
71 1759 Jesuits are forced out of France
75 1763 Seven Year's War ends; Peace is established in Paris between France, Spain, England and Portugal
76 1764 Britain passes the Sugar Act forbids American importation of foreign rum and taxing imported molasses, wine, silk, coffee, and a number of other luxury items.
79 1767 Jesuits are forced out of Spanish America

Elizabeth Fuller
Born about 1693 and died about 1760
Click for more information about Elizabeth Fuller.

The Children of Samuel Rowley

Thomas Rowley
Born somewhere in Massachusetts about 1721 and died somewhere in Massachusetts about 1803. He was about 82 years old.

Click for more information about Thomas Rowley.
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