Printed from the Halley-Howard Family Photo Album

Sarah Smith
and her Descendants
Click on any picture to move through the generations, click on any name to see details about that person.


Robert Smith
B. ??
D. 5/4/1765

Elizabeth Belangee
B. 7/11/1699
D. 7/11/1747
GrandchildrenChildren Husband(s) Husband's Parents

The children of Abraham Adams:

  1. Mary Ann Adams (1791 - 1872)

Abraham Adams
B. 11/22/1753
D. 11/6/1822

John Adams
B. 1700
D. 11/19/1762

John Adams
B. 9/4/1666
D. 1750

Phebe Wood
B. 1666
D. 1750